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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 475

Chapter 475 To Run Into Her Once More

Inside the hospital.

The doctor examined Natalie’s foot and determined that there were no fractures. However, she had sustained severe soft tissue damage that may require proper rest over the next couple of days.

After the nurse had dressed Natalie’s foot and was preparing to leave, she found herself stopped by Bastien.

“Wait, you should take a look at her hand as well.”

While he spoke, Bastien held Natalie’s slender hand and opened it up to reveal her badly cut and bloodied palm.

Natalie regarded Bastien with astonishment.

This man’s very perceptive, able to notice things that even the doctor and nurse managed to overlook.

Once she got that patched up as well, the nurse exited, leaving only Natalie and Bastien inside the vastness of the ward.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Bastien asked.

“But of course, it hurts! How could it possibly not? I suppose that you must be curious as to why I didn’t act as though it did,” Natalie replied with a broad smile. “I’ve been used to getting knocked around a bit in the past so that made me better at enduring it compared to other girls.”

It impressed upon Bastien that this young lady before him was simply different in every conceivable way, for he had yet to hear her elicit as much as a whimper in spite of her sustaining as many injuries as she did.

She’s a real toughie!

“Do you mind if I ask you something, Mr. Nine?” Natalie regarded Bastien in earnest.

“Ask away.”

“Obviously, you were right there beside me, so why didn’t you act to help sooner?”

“I thought that you could handle it.”


Looking at Natalie, Bastien replied candidly, “You didn’t look like the type who needed any help, sticking that broken bottle to that man’s throat the way you did. Though your foot was already hurt, not only have you managed to fool them, you had me fooled as well.”

“Oh, I see! But regardless, I’m really grateful for today.” Natalie extended a hand. “Name’s Natalie Nichols. Natalie with an “i” and “e”, and Nichols with an “o”, “l” and “s.”



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