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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 499

Chapter 499 A Legend In The Medical Field

Yara strutted into the conference venue alongside Thomas without even looking back.

Given how famous Malcolm was, he was outraged at being held down by the shoulder like a criminal.

“Let go of me! That girl is young enough to be my granddaughter. There’s no way I would do something so despicable. I’m being wrongly accused. I didn’t do anything to her at all!”

Just when Malcolm was about to be brought to the police station, a mixed-race middle-aged man hurried over when he recognized Malcolm.

“What are you doing to Mr. Trevor? Let go of him!”

The middle-man man was the conference’s executive director, Zachary Kent. His unique features allowed the security guards to quickly recognize him. As a result, they obeyed his instructions and released Malcolm.

Being the elderly man that he was, Malcolm was stung by the soreness of his arms. Therefore, he rubbed them repeatedly while trying to catch his breath.

Subsequently, Zachary bowed in apology. “Mr. Trevor, pardon my inhospitality. I take responsibility for what happened. After this, I’ll punish the entire batch of security guards to your satisfaction.

Malcolm was a legend in both the medical and business world and rarely appeared in public.

After the age of sixty, he turned his back on the world and lived the life of a recluse somewhere deep in the forest.

Given that Zachary had personally invited Malcolm to the conference, he was cognizant of how rare it was for Malcolm to show up.

Shaking his arms to loosen them, Malcolm didn’t say a word. Naturally, Zachary grew anxious.

After giving his arm one final stretch, Malcolm suggested in an earnest tone, “Zachary, the security guards must be punished severely. All right then, get them to write the word ‘security’ ten thousand times!”

Zachary was surprised by Malcolm’s suggestion, as his initial idea of punishment was to transfer the guards who didn’t know better to far-flung regions.


“Mr. Trevor, what-”


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