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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 626

Chapter 626 Warning To My Rival In Love

When Matthew heard that, he chuckled.

Natalie frowned and questioned him, “What are you laughing about?”

Her blind date pushed his glasses up and looked at her with searing eyes. “Don’t you find yourself interesting? You aren’t the most gorgeous socialites that I’ve met, but you’re certainly the most interesting ones that I’ve ever come across! The rest of the ladies seem to resemble one another as if they have been cut from the same cloth. You, on the other hand, are one-of-a-kind.”

“Then I doubt you’ve met that many women.”

Matthew was momentarily stunned before a smile appeared on his face.

He walked up to Natalie and said, “The last time I saw you at Mr. Weiss’ banquet, you’ve left a deep impression on me. You’re intelligent, brave, calm, and composed. I have to be honest with you. It wasn’t Mr. and Mrs. Weiss who had arranged for our dinner today. I was the one who had asked for their help. I really want to get to know you-”

Before Matthew could finish his sentence, a cold voice rang out.

“Don’t you even think about it!”

That cold, deep voice belonged to none other than Samuel!

Natalie turned around and saw a livid Samuel standing there.

Dressed in a black overcoat, the tall man strode over to Matthew and Natalie.

He kept his frosty eyes on Matthew while his arm went around Natalie’s waist. “Matthew, she’s mine. Don’t even think about it.”

They are friends?

Natalie was shocked.

So, the two men know each other?

Matthew walked up and met Samuel’s eyes. “I like her very much. I’ve liked her since the first time I laid eyes on her. Samuel, let me have her.”

Natalie was a little stumped to hear that.



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