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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 777

Chapter 777 Hurray For Mommy

Natalie knew very well about the tricks Thomas was capable of, but she could see no other way in learning the truth about her grandfather’s death.

If she could find out the truth surrounding her grandfather’s death, Natalie was certain that she could also understand why her mother had taken her to hide in the backcountry all those years ago.

“Fine,” Natalie agreed. “I’m free tomorrow morning, you can decide the location.”

“I knew that you would agree to meet for your grandfather’s sake.” Thomas laughed again. “I’ll send you the location later. I’m looking forward to catching up with my daughter tomorrow!”

Natalie hung up the phone without answering as she was not interested in anything else her father had to say aside from the truth. She knew the propensity of his honeyed tongue for falsehood.

After arriving home, Natalie was greeted by the sight of the children playing in the living room.

Although she had not called the Bowers residence her home for very long, Yumi quickly befriended Sophia, Xavian, and Clayton. Recalling the orphan’s reluctance to mingle with new faces, Natalie was once again convinced of the correctness of her decision to adopt Yumi.

Franklin’s coldness, however, was proving to be a challenge.

Unlike the other three children, who had already accepted Yumi as their sibling, Franklin was often found on the sidelines while the others played.

“Franklin, come here.” Natalie beckoned at her eldest and led him out to the yard.

“Yes, Mommy?”

Without answering immediately, she sat on the small wooden bench in the yard and patted the vacant seat beside her.

“What do you really think about Yumi?” Natalie asked calmly.

“Not much,” Franklin replied stoically.

After being with all four children for over half a year, Natalie felt that Franklin’s temperament and appearance, especially the cold and haughty dominance, were most reminiscent of his father than the rest of his siblings.

She sighed at the reminder of the insurmountable task of convincing Samuel to do something he did not want to do. “Are you worried about Yumi having ulterior motives toward us? Do you think she’s here for something?”

Franklin nodded after considering the question for a moment.


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