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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 916


Chapter 916 Date Part Two


Samuel was looking through the materials Jesper sent him when his phone received a message.

Naturally, he put the material down, unlocked the phone, and saw Natalie in a photo.

Her loosely tied hair revealed her fair and delicate neck. There were a few strands of hair scattered on the side of her cheeks. Her blue and white sportswear made her look youthful and beautiful. The angle from which the picture was taken made his heart thump when he looked at it.

In fact, it made him take a few extra glances at it.

When he realized there was a long paragraph below that photo, he began reading the message Xavian sent him.

Jesper was waiting for his employer to put his signature on the documents when he noticed something was off. Samuel was staring at his phone with furrowed eyebrows as the look swirling in his sharp eyes became complicated. Jesper couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was making his employer feel awful.

With his superior eyesight, Jesper glanced at the phone and got the gist of the message. So Ms. Nichols has been invited on a date by a young, handsome man? I bet that is what is making Mr. Bowers feel awful.


He dared not to interfere with his employer’s private matter, so he simply stood at the side silently and pretended he had not seen anything. Still, I doubt he’s going to do anything since he’s not an impulsive person.

Just as he thought about that, Samuel stood up from his chair.

“Mr. Bowers?”


“I have something I need to take care of.” Samuel pulled out his drawer, took out a silver mask, and wore it.

“What about the documents?” Jesper couldn’t help but ask.

Samuel adjusted his mask and uttered, “Leave it there. I’ll read them when I have the time.”

Jesper was speechless. That document is worth a billion. By the time you read it, we’ll be losing tens of millions.

Before he could stop his employer, Samuel had already left his office.


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