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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Isabella’s Humiliation 

Once the press conference ended, Natalie descended from the stage

Someone grabbed her wrist and swiftly led her toward the nearby safety corridor

A familiar scent hit her, and Irwin pinned her against the wall. There was a smile playing at the corner of 

his lips

So, you have plans for me, huh?” 

I’ll make a good profit from the project in the eastern suburbs. That plan will work for sure!Natalie 

awkwardly replied

There was pressure on her chin as slender fingers pushed her face up slightly

Irwin’s strength was a little assertive. There was a sort of hunger in Irwin’s eyes when Natalie looked into 


She shook her head but couldn’t break free

Let go of me.” 

Are you using me to piss him off?” 

You taught me to do that!” 

Irwin was silent as his eyes darkened

This woman

He released her chin and said, What a sly fox!” 

Sorry, I was a bit hasty just now.” 

When the reporter asked that question, she didn’t think much

It’s good that you thought of me in your hurry, hmm?Irwin’s tone remained gentle

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief

Before her rebirth, everyone believed she couldn’t live without Cedric

And now, she just wanted to tell everyone that she wasn’t dependent on Cedric

+15 BONUS 

At this moment, Cedric was in his office in Radiant Tower

A hard glint appeared in his eyes when Natalle mentioned Irwin in the press conference. He swept everything off his desk in frustration

When Lucas walked in, he saw the mess and approached respectfully. Sir” 

Click! Click

The flickering sound of a lighter filled the alt, and the room was chillingly cold. Cedric slammed the lighter on the table, cracking it open

Lucas tensed, and Cedric took two deep drugs before asking. Are you sure everything is confirmed?” 

Lucas turned solemn and said, The locations at that time were indeed all at Scarlet Villa!” 

Scarlet Villa… 

It was the place where he and Natalie lived

That woman.. 

He finished half of the cigarette In one breath, showing how frustrated he was. He pressed the cigarette butt pressed into the ashtray

You’re dismissed.” 

Yes, sir!” 

After Lucas left, Cedric was alone in the office. As he closed his eyes, flashes of Natalie’s explanations crossed his mind each time

Explanations? Hah

Now, it seemed like nothing more than her stubborn denial. Not only did she deny it, but she also repeatedly placed the blame on Christina and Isabella

That woman, she was quite the actress

A sharp glint flashed in his eyes. So, Sylvan Gems and Regal Horizons International were her backing and pride

Would she still be this arrogant if she didn’t have any of those?! 

+15 BONUS Because of their tenyear relationship, Cedric had not given up on Natalie before this and was willing to accept her no matter who she was

But now, he knew that she was involved in the kidnapping of Isaac’s beloved and had caused her death

She had also bribed Isabella’s doctor, which caused her blindness. With that, Cedric was thoroughly disappointed in her

Cedric’s acceptance and forgiveness were not a license for her to do as she pleased

This time, hecould not forgive her

Natalie returned to Sylvan Gems, where Zane was already waiting in her office. Seeing her return, Zane respectfully greeted her, and Natalie casually dropped her bag

Everything’s okay with Sylvan Gems, right?” 

The question was about the oversight of the former CEO! She was well aware that regardless of Cedric’s recent attitude towards her, todayNo, since last night after he met Isaac, they now stood on completely different sides

It wasn’t a matter of being strangers, but rather an unrelenting anger towards each other! And she had to be cautious of Cedric’s methods

Don’t worry, everything has been handled!” 

Any issues with the orders?” 

Natalie was worried that the current public opinion might affect Sylvan Gems, especially now that she was the CEO

However, Zane shook his head. There are none. Don’t worry.” 

At this, Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. She had underestimated the love of Sylvan Gems’s fans for Sylvan Gems’s jewelry

What about that matter? Any progress?” 

The account?” 


Zone nodded

Who is it?Natalie obviously didn’t expect Zane to act so quickly

+15 BONUS 

Zane replied, It’s a private number and not registered with real name Identity, but it’s linked to a phone number

Whose number

Christina Johnson’s!” 

Natalie was silent

Christinaheh, it’s her again

Goodvery good

In that case, let’s report it to the police!” 

Previously, she had told Zane that if it was an entertainment company, she would bankrupt them. If it was an individual, she would sue them

And now, knowing it was Christina, she decided to go straight to the police

Because shewas not willing to go through the legal process of suing someone

Zane nodded. Yes, ma’am.” 

After Zane left, Natalie closed her eyes to rest for a bit. Just then, her phone rang. It was Bianca callin

Whenever something happened to Natalie, Bianca was the most anxious. Natalie answered the phone


There was a clear hint of fatigue in Natalie’s voice right now. She hadn’t slept all night, and then these events happened as soon as the day broke

How did things end up like this? What’s the situation on your end?Bianca’s tone was somewhat urgent

In her view, the end of Natalie’s marriage with Cedric meant the end of everything

The divorce was finalized, yet now so many complications have arisen

It was really infuriating

It’s a long story. On my endeverything’s fine!” 


Bianca could sense Natalie’s hesitation, and her worry had turned into anxiousness


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