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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Tracing to the Source 

The card

Zane was referring to one she lost earlier

Whether it was for kidnapping Isabella or the incident involving Isaac’s fiancée, all the transfer records were from that card

Christina seemed to be thoroughly prepared to tarnish her reputation, leaving Natalie with no plausible defense

Now, Zane claimed to have found the information

Send it to me.” 

It’s already in your email.” 


Natalie ended the call and opened her email, her chest heaving in anxiety

Irwin asked, What’s wrong?” 

They’ve found something on Christina,Natalie said as she handed her phone to Irwin for him to look at

The screen displayed the dates of the kidnapper’s transactions, along with Christina heading to the bank. on the same days

The bank she chose to go to was a considerable distance from the Johnson Manor. It was evident that Christina intentionally went far to make it harder to trace

However, every member of Stephen’s team was exceptional. They managed to uncover everything

Christina probably didn’t anticipate that Stephen’s people could unveil past events, no matter how long. ago they occurred

If only Natalie had entrusted everything to Stephen’s team from the beginning rather than hiring a private detective. This would have been uncovered much sooner

But at that time, she feared that Stephen would worry if he knew too much

Now, it was different. With everything exposed, what she needed was the fastest resolution

Irwin handed the phone back to her. Natalie took it and was about to call Cedric when suddenly… 


A headline notification popped up on her phone: [HighValue Jewelry Materials Cost Only & Few Bucks

Though she initially wanted to ignore this dull news, the words caught her attention. When she saw the words Sylvan Gems,her heart skipped a beat

Just as she clicked on it, Zane called again


Ms. Walker, I’m afraid you need to return to the company as soon as possible!Zane said

It was now clear that the headline was targeting Sylvan Gems

Natalie closed her eyes. Her tone was unstable as she replied, I got it. I’m coming right now!” 

After hanging up the phone, her vision swam

Irwin hadn’t looked at his phone. Seeing the sudden change in Natalie, he was puzzled and asked, Did something happen?” 

Natalie looked at Irwin. She wanted to say something, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was,Drop me off at Sylvan Gems!” 

Something big had happened

For a jewelry company, discussions about jewelry styles were nothing new

But nowit was about the materials

Each set of jewelry by Sylvan Gems was worth over a million. Suddenly, talks suggested that the jewelry. materials were worth only a few bucks?! 

Sylvan Gems had just completed its new product launch, and the company already accepted the maximum amount of orders it could take

With such negative news surfacing now, it was safe to say that no one in the company would be getting a good night’s sleep tonight

For Sylvan Gems, the upcoming week would be far from peaceful

On the way to Sylvan Germs, Irwin read the news. He turned to Natalie, who had closed her eyes to conceal the turmoil in her heart. He wanted to say something, but Natalie’s phone vibrated again

She opened her eyes and checked to see it was a call from Stephen

Bad news traveled fastthis news had even reached Stephen, who was all the way In Simerla

+16 BONUS 

Uncle Natalie answered the phone, struggling to suppress the anger in her chest

Is this Cedric’s doing? Stephen asked

Natalie hesitated

Yes. Although there was still no evidence, given the circumstances, it was undoubtedly related to Cedric


This time, Natalie didn’t conceal it as she did before. Things had reached a point where there was no need to hide it from her uncle

It would be better if Stephen knew

After she said that, Stephen’s breathing became heavier

Is he insane?” 


Come back to Simeria immediately.” 

What about Sylvan Gems?” 

I’ll have someone handle it,Stephen said directly

As a man, he understood that Cedric. At this moment, Cedric was like a madman. Being in his presence, Natalie was at risk of being torn apart

Although everyone was angry about the situation, Stephen’s first reaction was to have Natalie leave Simeria immediately. As for settling the score with Cedric, there would be plenty of time for it later

Should I still go to Sylvan Gems now?Natalie asked

Go and settle what you need to hand over. Once you’re done, take the earliest flight back tomorrow. morning,Stephen instructed

Okay,” Natalie responded

Her world was currently filled with turmoil and anger. Regardless of that, she would listen to her uncle


They quickly arrived at Sylvan Gems. Just as Natalie was about to get out of the car, Irwin grabbed her wrist. She turned around to meet Irwin’s gaze, which was a combination of gentleness and seriousness

+15 BONUS 

What’s wrong?Natalie asked

Irwin hesitated. Just as he was about to say something, his phone rang. He looked at Natalie and gestured for her to remain silent. Then, he answered the call


Natalie could vaguely hear something about Dragon Park from the other end. Irwin’s expression darkened. The grip on her wrist, which was tight just moments ago, suddenly loosened

Then, Inwin said, Alright. I’ll be there soon.” 

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Natalie

What happened?Natalie asked

At the question, a chill ran down her spine


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