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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Crumbling Interrogation 

Ms. Johnson, where were you on that day?” 

In the record room, numerous questions were asked repeatedly and Incessantly

Over a dozen times

Christina’s mind was almost turning into mush

I was at Scarlet Villa.” 

With whom?” 

My mom!” 

Ms. JohnsonMs. JohnsonMs. Johnson

At this moment, Christina’s mind was buzzing

They repeated her name so many times in such a cold and unfamiliar tone. Her mind was blank

For each question, she had to answer carefully. After more than a dozen times, she had to match the answers with the previous ones, and the order of the questions was never the same. 

She had no preparation whatsoever, and this interrogation caught her off guard

Just then, the record keeper went out for a while. When he came back, he had a colder and more serious expression

He said, It seems that we have to conduct another investigation with you regarding the kidnapping cases for Ms. Morgan and Mr. Phelp’s fiancée, Ms. Johnson!“* 

Christina’s expression changed at his words

It wasn’t me!She instinctively replied, denying any involvement

She had no idea what was happening. She had been summoned before in connection with Isabella’s matter

But this

Christina had no clue about what was happening outside, so this turn of events left her completely bewildered 

The evidence will speak the truth. I hope you‘ 

cooperate with us, Ms. Johnson.” 

+15 BONUS 

I need to call my brother, I need a lawyer!” 

Ms. Johnson, until we clear up this matter, you won’t be able to see a lawyer!” 

Christina’s already troubled expression became even worse upon hearing these words

It was a crisis! It was a crisis

She had a hunch about what was happening. She struggled to maintain her composure, pretending not to 


Fine, go ahead and ask whatever questions you have.She said as she spread her arms wide, acting as if it had nothing to do with her

In Scarlet Villa, Cedric made several consecutive calls. However, he couldn’t get Christina out

Natalieshe really did it

That woman actually pushed all the blame on Christina. If it were just a matter of public opinion, it wouldn’t be a big deal

But now, with the matter of Isabella and Isaac’s fiancée’s kidnapping also being blamed on Christina, things were getting complicated

At this moment, no matter who he called, it was impossible. With her implicated in such suspicions, Christina had to clear herself

Cedric tried calling Natalie

She was probably busy, and it took a whole hour before she returned his cal!! 

Before Cedric could speak, Natalie spoke first, You’ve made so many calls; it seems like you’re anxious.” 


Aren’t you always resourceful? Your methods are quite forceful! Use your dominance to snatch her out!” 

Natalie, you’ll regret this!” 

I’ve said it; I regret it a lot, Cedric, you’re really foolish! At this point, you still haven’t figured out the 


If it really wasn’t Christina who did it, how could the evidence she provided lead to such trouble for her

+15 BONUS 

Such obvious evidence, something that anyone could see, and he actually said Natalie was accusing Christina?! 

Withdraw your accusations right now!” 

Every word from the man was a threat

Without waiting for Natalie to speak, Cedric continued, She’s just in her twenties. Her life hasn’t even begun. Do you want to ruin her future?” 

Christina was just a young girl

Getting involved in such rumors before marriage undoubtedly would significantly impact her life

HahWhen this happened to Christina, you think about her future, huh? What about mine?” 

Although she was disgusted, Natalie still couldn’t help but ask this question

There was nothing but disappointment in her words

I Do you really not know what you did? Natalie, I truly admire your strength. At this point, you can still calmly shift your sins onto Tina!” 

Hah!Natalie laughed sarcastically

She had already gotten used to Cedric saying such things.. 

Thiswas the man who had emphasized the ten years between them

I know what I did! I’m afraid it’s you who don’t know the things that Christina and Isabella did!” 

It was as if the two were speaking their own conversation over the phone and not conversing with each other

Cedric pursed his lips tightly, and the chill in his eyes gradually intensified


Finally, he could not bear it any longer and hung up the phone

On the other side, Natalie had just finished a meeting before calling Cedric. Hearing the echo on the other end, she knew Cedric had hung up

Her heart sank

+15 BONUS 

Blanca came over and stood by her side

Was it Cedric


For Christina?” 


That pighead!Bianca was at a loss for words when it came to Cedric

Natalie and Cedric had already divorced, and Natalie hadn’t expected so many complications. If she had known, she really shouldn’t have established that studio


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