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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Clues of the Child 

Her technique

One that she used with Irwin

Watching the anger and sorrow in the man’s eyes, a sense of satisfaction flashed through Natalie’s heart

What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” 

Imitating Cedric, she gently traced his chin with her fingers

Cedric pinched her mischievous hand

In the end

His powerful hand firmly gripped her slender waist. He placed her onto the sofa and then stood up

His back exuded loneliness and chill as he ascended the stairs

When Lucas arriv 

When Lucas arrived, he immediately sensed that something was amiss in the room

MadamLucas greeted her and stepped forward anxiously 

Natalie smiled. Oh, you’re here.” 

Mr. Johnson, he’s?” 

Not satisfied!” 

Natalie’s tone was playful

As a mature man, Lucas easily understood the teasing in Natalie’s tone. However, he didn’t expect Natalie to speak so bluntly

Lucas went directly upstairs to the study. Upon entering, he immediately smelled a strong smell of smoke

Cedric sat in the dimly lit room, appearing desolate. The sparks seemed to highlight his current melancholy

Lucas reached for the light switch, but Cedric stopped him and said, Don’t turn on the lights

Mr. Johnson” 

+25 BONUS 

Lucas heard the unmistakable pain in the man’s voice and hesitated for a moment

Only those closest to Cedric knew that he had always been carefree. However, this carefreeness had come to a halt when Natalie appeared

I have information about the child.” 

The room’s lights instantly turned on

Yet, Lucas still felt like it was not bright enough. He knew Cedric had ordered for the light to be changed for Natalie’s sake. This would allow her to move freely in the Peach Garden at night

Pushing these thoughts aside, he approached Cedric and handed him a photo

Cedric accepted it and took a look to find that it was a picture of Heather

In her arms, she held a pinkswaddled infant. With just one look, Cedric’s eyes narrowed when he turned to Lucas

The child?” 

Yes, she’s holding the child.” 

If one didn’t look closely, it was hard to recognize Heather in the photo

Cedric studied the photo carefully. It was indeed Heather, and in her arms wasa child

Where did you find this?” 

I found it in a magazine.” 

The magazine had been published some time ago, Cedric noted. The focus wasn’t on Heather but she happened to be caught in the frame when someone took this photo

This photo is from about a year ago” 

A year ago

Cedric silently repeated the timeframe in his mind. The fire at the detention center occurred two years ago, and this photo was from a year ago

Considering the timing, could it be

Cedric’s thoughts raced, and his eyes narrowed further. His body stiffened as he carne to a conclusion

Nat. And a childTheir child

Was that their child in Heather’s arms

Yes, it must bel 

+25 BONUS 

Did you discover anything about Winona?” 

At this moment, Cedric was unable to conceal his excitement

Yet, he was also trying to keep his excitement at bay. He feared his hopes might be in vain, and it would simply be a false hope

Lucas had been by Cedric’s side for a long time. He wouldn’t report something so casually if he wasn’t certain about it

So, upon seeing this photo, Lucas thoroughly investigated Winona’s whereabouts for the past two years to eliminate any unexpected variables

He replied, Ms. Jarvis has been abroad for the past two years and hasn’t returned to Simeria.” 

The photo was obviously taken in Simeria

Winona hadn’t returned to Simeria for the past two years, so the child couldn’t be hers

Cedric’s heart pounded wildly

His once chaotic thoughts became clear

If it’s not Winona’s, it can only be hers.” 

Cedric was more familiar than Natalie with the relationship between the Jarvis family and Heather’s relatives

Heather was holding a child in front of a hospital entrance. She wouldn’t hold a child in her arms if it wasn’t Winona’s or Natalie’s

Since it wasn’t Winona’s, it could only be Natalie’s

NatHis Nat

It felt like forever before the storm raging in his heart gradually subsided

Cedric took a deep breath and said, Don’t alarm her for now. Secretly trace Heather’s whereabouts.” 

Yes, sir.” 


After going abroad with Natalie, she seemed to have disappeared. Natalie had returned alone

He was well aware that questioning Natalie at this moment would be futile. Doing so would only heighten her wariness towards him

Hence, they had to keep it quiet for now and secretly track Heather’s trail

The child must be with Heather

+25 BONUS 

Otherwise, why didn’t Heather return to Simeria

Heather and Stephen had been inseparable since their marriage. The fact that they were living separately now meant that something big had happened

Lucas nodded. Yes, sir.” 

After a moment of thought, he added, Oh, there’s one more thing.” 

What is it?” 

I found something strange when looking into Ms. Jarvisconnection with the child.” 

Something strange?” 

Ms. Jarvis is in Luxoria. For the past two years, she’s been living in the slums over there.” 

The largest slum in Luxoria?” 



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