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A Film Queen of Two Worlds novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Your Brother’s Is Too Over the Top 

Stephanic didn’t notice anything wrong at all, still proudly glaring at Milly, showing off her superiority

See? Even if you’re spreading rumours about me behind my back, what can you do? I can still come out on top

Milly was speechless

Seriously, what’s her deal

I didn’t do anything to her, so why is she glaring at me

At that moment, Oliver lifted her head, giving Stephanie a cold look, squinting. The laidback guy from before suddenly turned into someone with intense hostility

Her gaze on Stephanie got serious. So, you just said this was from your fifth brother, Jonathan? Jonathan is your brother?” 

Thinking he knew Jonathan, Stephanie couldn’t help but sweeten her smile a bit. Yeah, I’m Jonathan’s sister… 

But before she could finish, the gift box came flying at her


She quickly ducked, covering her head as the gift box crashed to the ground, its perfume bottle shattering with a loud noise. Glass shards scattered, and a good amount of liquid splashed onto her skirt

Instantly, the air was filled with a strong scent of perfume

Oliver abruptly stood up and tossed the box in Milly’s hand, then, much to everyone’s shock, pulled out a bottle of disinfectant from his pocket and started spraying it all over wildly

Ugh, so gross! If I’d known it was from Jonathan, I wouldn’t have touched it. His gifts are always so dirty!” 

Milly was at a loss for words

Seriously, is this guy three years old or what

She sighed in frustration, massaging her temples to ease the headache his whining was giving her. “Fine, you can throw away your own junk, but why did you throw mine?” 

Oliver set down the halfempty bottle of disinfectant and looked at her seriously. You belong under my jurisdictionNo, it’s the other way around. I’m under your jurisdiction, so we’re on the same team. We rise and fall together. If I hate something, you have to hate it as well!” 

Milly was puzzled. Huh?” 

Where did this logic come from

But Oliver insisted stubbornly, Ms. Milly, Jonathan is my competitor, so you can’t be on his side. Supporting him is treason, and traitors get struck by lightning” 

After saying his piece, he shot a disdainful look at Stephanie, who was still standing there looking clueless


Chapter 115 Your Brother’s Is Too Over the Top

trouble. And his sister’s just the same! My gut feeling never falls!” 

Milly, also Jonathan’s sister, stayed quiet

Stephanie had never faced such humiliation in public before. Unable to accept it for a moment, her eyes turned red in an instant

Just as she was feeling lost, the voice of the driver from earlier echoed again, Ms. Burnett, who just signed for the delivery, where are you?” 

Stephanie quickly turned around, eager to leave the awkward situation. That’s me, what’s wrong?” 

The driver, dressed in a blue uniform, approached with a smile. Sorry, Ms. Burnett, I forgot earlier. The person who asked me to deliver this said this is a special gift just for you. He also said he hopes you remember the promise and to look at the sky in ten minutes.” 

Stephanie was taken aback

What? What kind of promise do I have with Jonathan

And what’s with the sky thing

Though she was wondering, she still took the gift box. Okay, thanks, got it.” 

The box wasn’t big, but it had some weight to it, feeling substantial in her hands

A few nosy people from the crew had already crowded around her. Stephanie, your brother’s really sweet 

to you, giving you a special gift and all. Come on, open it up and let’s see what’s inside.” 

After receiving the gift, some of the resentment from being humiliated by Oliver dissipated

Nodding, she opened the small gift box in her hand

As Stephanie caught sight of the contents inside, her eyes widened instantly

Despite growing up in the Burnett family and being accustomed to jade and jewellery, she couldn’t help. but be dazzled by what lay inside

Each gemstone embedded on the handle of the key was of high purity and flawless, worth a fortune. They came in various colours, making the ordinary iron key look remarkably luxurious

Someone couldn’t help but ask Stephanie, What kind of key did your brother give you? Decorated with gemstones, isn’t that a bit over the top?” 

Stephanie took out the keys and counted them. There were twelve in total

But they looked pretty unique, and she couldn’t quite figure out what they were for. Whatever they were, this surprise was enough to boost her ego

So, she playfully replied, I also/don’t know what they’re for. My brothers always love to give me these quirky things.” 

Suddenly, a stagehand, looking amazed, exclaimed, Hey, I recognise that key! It’s probably for at helicopter. I’ve done scenes with helicopters before, and the keys we used looked just like that.” 


Chapter 115 Your Brother’s is Too Over the Top 

Everyone got even more jealous

“Wow, Stephanie, your brother really goes all out for you.” 

I wish I had a brother like that. I’d be smiling in my sleep every night.” 



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