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A Film Queen of Two Worlds novel Chapter 320

A Film Queen of Two Worlds 

+5 Pearls 

Chapter 320 Unique Individual 

In the neglected factory, a group of tall, burly men with fierce expressions gathered, clearly not the kind of people you’d want to mess with. They surrounded two young men, ready to follow their orders at any 


The two lean men in the middle were Third Sect Master, Raiden Graves and Fourth Sect Master, Nimbus Graves, recently driven back inside by an outside commotion

Raiden frowned as he heard the shouting from outside. He took a deep drag on his cigarette, tossed it to the ground, and crushed it with his foot. Monkey, what are you yelling about? What did you find out?” 

The thin man who had been choked by George earlier was indeed Monkey

Monkey stumbled in, barely catching his breath before starting his report. Mr. Raiden, Mr. Nimbus, I discovered that the Shadow Palace’s palace master isn’t dead. He’s in that private hospital in South City.” 

Hearing this, Nimbus Graves, the Fourth Sect Master, couldn’t help but frown. Are you sure you got a good look?” 

Monkey took a deep breath and nodded hurriedly. I’m certain. I saw him. He even gave me a message for you.” 

Monkey then detailed how he had scouted outside the hospital, been discovered by the Shadow Palace members, and then unexpectedly released, describing the entire process in full

After listening to him, Raiden sneered a hint of mockery in his eyes. He’s fortunate, surviving that explosion. And now he dares to taunt us? In that case, let’s ambush him again and eliminate the threat once and for all. I refuse to believe he can escape a second explosion!” 

Although Nimbus was a year younger than Raiden, he was more composed in his actions

Hearing Raiden’s suggestion, Nimbus calmly shook his head and rationally analysed. The Shadow Palace isn’t easy to deal with. We only managed to ambush them last time because we guessed their location. We won’t be that lucky again

Even though the Ghost Sect was established earlier and seems more organised than the Shadow Palace, we’re currently plagued by internal conflicts, while they are much more united. This situation puts us at a disadvantage.” 

Raiden fell silent immediately, irritably scratching his buzzed head and cursing, D*mn!” 

Nimbus was right; the current situation within the Ghost Sect was indeed difficult

The Ghost Sect had four branch sects. Strictly speaking, it was nominally four, but in reality, it was five

There were the First Sect Master, Gale Graves, Second Sect Master, Brishen Graves, Raiden, and Nimbus

After the original sect leader passed away, the high priest prophesied that the sect leader’s bracelet would choose the new leader. However, with the disappearance of the sect leader’s body, the bracelet vanished as well, making it impossible to verify

Over time, Gale and Brishen grew closer. They didn’t believe the high priest’s words, thinking he was trying to intimidate them. They didn’t trust that a dead object like the bracelet could choose a leader, nor 

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Chapter 320 Unique Individual 

They hoped to internally elect a new sect leader instead

+5 Pearls 

However, Raiden and Nimbus didn’t share this belief. Since the high priest was chosen by the previous sect leader and trusted by him, they felt they should trust him too. If the high priest said the bracelet would recognise the new sect leader, then they should accept the leader chosen by the bracelet

This belief led to conflicts among the four branch sects, as they continually fought to determine the new sect leader

As for the socalled fifth branch sect, that referred to a unique individual, Leon Smith

Leon didn’t belong to any branch sect and didn’t follow any hierarchy. When the previous sect leader was alive, Leon only took orders from him. Now that the sect leader had passed away, he outwardly showed respect to the sect masters, but in reality, he didn’t regard any of them highly

Someone once provoked Leon, and that very night, Leon cut out the man’s tongue and hung him upside down at the Ghost Sect’s main gate

Since then, no one dared to mess with him

Leon had the strength to back up his arrogance. He was the best close combat fighter in the Ghost Sect

He never failed a mission and always worked alone, regardless of the difficulty. He was known for valuing money over life

Within the Ghost Sect, he was particularly close to King from the First Branch Sect and Oliver Terrell from the Fourth Branch Sect

Gale and Brishen admired Leon and had helped him a lot, likely hoping to nominate him as the new sect leader

Raiden and Nimbus, on the other hand, trusted the high priest’s prophecy and were always searching for the new sect leader recognised by the bracelet. This made them increasingly hostile toward Leon, leading to several clashes

Raiden, visibly frustrated, pulled out another cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag. So what do we do? Just let him go? That guy is cunning. If we don’t take advantage of the current situation to defeat him, it will be even harder to find another opportunity in the future.” 

Nimbus fell silent at Raiden’s words. He chose to recuperate in Halturia because he knows it offers him the best protection. There’s nothing we can do for now; we don’t have a better plan to draw him out.” 

Raiden exhaled a smoke ring, cursing in frustration. What the hell, man!” 

Halturia was known for its strict security. Attacking him in the hospital would be a trap


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