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A Flash Marriage Can Be A Treasure novel Chapter 169

Lily is petrified and her phone almost falls onto the ground.

What should she do now?

Staring at the vibrating phone for a few seconds, Lily grits her teeth and answers the phone while trying to remain composed, “President Smith.”

“Leigh said you had been busy with the company business recently and told me not to bother you.” His voice still sounds pleasant although he is speaking at the other end of the phone.

Was that his explanation?

Lily feels nervous for no reason and stammers, “Yeah, I have been busy recently.”

“It’s Mid-Autumn Festival today.”

Lily subconsciously replies, “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Louis, who is at the other end of the phone, pauses and seems to laugh in a low voice. Lily just has an impulse to slap herself upon hearing it.

Lily, are you out of mind?

Louis utters the words slowly, “Just now my father gave me a call and reminded me to come back to the Smith Manor to celebrate the festival together and brought you… my ‘pregnant’ President Lily, together.”

“President Smith, I haven’t been pregnant, sincerely.” Lily feels awkward. It is all her fault, for she hasn’t hided that bottle of wine. She adds, “My mom also gave me a call just now. And I’m afraid that I have to come back home.”

“I understand. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival to reunion with families after all.” Louis continues, “Then I will come back alone.”

“President Smith…”

Why does she feel that she has done something wrong after hearing the words and feel sorry to him. Nevertheless, as she is about to say something, Louis tells her to continue with her work and hangs up the phone.

So, the call ends in this way?

Lily stares at her phone in disbelief.

WTF! Why Louis is so aloof and arrogant? Can’t he just make a concession and tell her that he needs her?!

Later, as Lily has told Louis in the phone, her mom really makes a phone call to him and asks her to celebrate the festival together if she’s free. Lily agrees and then calls Coffey.

Coffey is attending the ceremony with Chloe in Paris and can’t come back, and Joey is filming in Boston.

Lily sighs.

Joey has been accidently favored by a foreign director, from whom she gets some opportunities to film movies and be the spokesperson of some brands. It’s like she is now living abroad, for she hasn’t come back since then.

Alas, she will be only child to celebrate the festival with her mom tonight.

After finishing the work, Lily gets off work and brings her laptop back home with an intention to deal with the rest affairs at home. When she’s taking the lift to the downstairs, she bumps into Leigh and Jessie who are also leaving.

Lily glances at them and asks, “Are you two going to celebrate the festival together?”

“Yeah. Leigh said his mom and dad are all at abroad and there’s no one in his home.” Jessie replies, “You know, I’m not a local in this City. Lily, will you come back home? If you won’t, what about…”

“Even if she will not come back home, she will come to Louis.” Leigh cuts in, “As far as I’m concerned, we’d better not bother her and celebrate the festival by ourselves. We can go and buy a moon cake.”

“Why should I come to President Smith?” Lily sulks when thinks of the phone call ended by Louis and sneers, “He’ll come back to the Smith Manor, and I’ll come back home to accompany my mom!”

“So, won’t you worry about him for he will come back alone?”

“He’s not a child. Will he lose his way?”

Leigh rubs his chin and clucks, “For such a big festival, almost all members of the Smith family would come back to celebrate it together. But now Louis is on the wheelchair, aren’t you afraid that he will be bullied?”

“What’s my relationship with him? Why should I worry about him?” Lily refutes and sneers, “Plus, you’re Louis’ buddy and you two are even more intimate brother-germen. It is you who should come back with him!”

Leigh immediately refutes, “No, no way, I should accompany my Little Fairy!”

“You don’t have to.” Jessie chimes in, “I can come back home and watch TV series lying on the sofa. It’s good.”

“It’s Mid-Autumn Festival today. Isn’t it a great waste of the good time by simply lying on the sofa and watching TV?” Leigh grins, “We should come to the Moon Observatory to have a closer look of the full noon.”|


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