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A Flash Marriage Can Be A Treasure novel Chapter 215

The long and passionate kiss makes Lily dizzy. She starts to enjoy it at some point, but soon, she pushes Louis away as she starts to feel suffocated.

When Louis lets go of her, Lily immediately backs off from him and lays her back against the racks. Lily angrily says, “Mr. Smith, aren’t you afraid that I’ll sue you for sexual harassing me?”

Louis loosens his tie. He then squints his eyes with a bantered smile on his face, “Sure! You could also mention that night we had sex at that night club six months ago. We should tell them everything.”

“You are shameless!” Everything Louis did today causes Lily to wonder she hasn't understood Louis well, “You told me that you'll erase everything after I attend that business meeting in Turkey for you!”

“You’re right. But that business meeting didn’t go well,” Louis takes advantage from her words. He reaches out his long arms and puts it beside her head, “Plus, I helped you out after that.”

Lily is so pissed that she couldn’t say a word.

Did Louis mistakenly taken any drugs? He doesn’t sound like himself at all.

“Lily, it’s my fault to use you in that accident,” Louis sounds serious suddenly, “But I never think of you as a pawn. You are someone I can trust my life with.”

Louis has been drifting in the business industry for so long. He knows so many iron ladies, celebrities, lawyers and socialites but Chloe is the only person he trusts during all these years.

Now, Lily is the second person he trusts.

Initially, when Louis sought for Lily’s help, he thought of using her to achieve his agenda or pushing her up to that shiny stage.

Louis’ words trigger the pain in Lily’s heart.

If it wasn’t for Louis, Lily won’t be standing where she is today. She should thank him, but when she thinks about Jason’s death, she just couldn’t let go.

It’s the death of a living person. It is not going to be like deleting data that you could restore it later.

“Mr. Smith. It’s all in the past now. Nothing is worth bringing up again.” Lily walks past Louis and leave the scene. Her calm tone makes Louis feel uneasy.

Louis punches the rack out of fretfulness.

It is obvious that something is not right later when they appear together. Lily purposely stays away from Louis and insists to pay her own bill.

David is confused.

His plan is perfect. Letting Lily and Louis spending some time together should improve their relationship. But why do they get even more awkward after coming out of the supermarket?

When they are back to David’s house, Lily takes the food they bought into the kitchen.

David then approaches Louis and asks softly, “Mr. Smith, what happened? Miss Lily seems more frustrated than when she first saw you.”

“Go away.”


Alright. Louis is in a bad mood too.

The Ragdoll kitten is clingy. It keeps rubbing her head against Lily’s feet and follows her wherever she goes. Lily is worried that she might step on her, so she chases the kitten out of the kitchen and closes the kitchen door.

The Ragdoll kitten then runs towards Louis’ direction. Before it could rub its face on Louis trousers, Louis raises his legs with an unexplainable expression on his face.

Louis emotionlessly calls for David’s help, “Move your cat away.”

“Mr. Smith, It is just a few-weeks-old kitten. What are you afraid of?” David comes and carries the kitten away, “Miss Lily likes it very much, and she plans to take it back with her.”

“You are giving this long-hair monster to her?”

David corrects him with a straight face, “Mr. Smith. It is a Ragdoll cat. Pure breed and it is very expressive.”

Louis is speechless.

No wonder Lily smelt like milk when he kissed her just now. It must be from this little monster.


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