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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 469

Remorse and guilt filled Cassandra. Seeing Edith worry made her even more concerned.

"Mom, it has nothing to do with Cloris. As for what she said, I will find a way to investigate it!" she promised.

By this time, what she initially came for was no longer significant. Besides, there was nothing they could do about it anymore. What happened had happened. She was the one who gave the flash drive to Lionel but she was certain that she was not the one who caused the mess.

The real culprit was Arthur. He was the one she needed to confront, not Cloris.

"Cassandra, what's wrong?"

Edith asked, wondering why her daughter looked so puzzled. She studied her expression in hopes of making something out of it.

"Mom, believe me. This has nothing to do with Cloris. I'm sure of it. I'll do what I can to fix it. As for Arthur..."

she reassured her mother. Then, she glanced at Cloris, worried.

"Please be careful around him. He is not a man that can be trusted,"

she said with conviction. The fact that he made Cloris do something so harmful to someone else spoke volumes of what kind of person he really was.

Moreover, she also remembered a time when she was still working with the Tang Group and Arthur stole a project that had already been awarded to them. Since then, she had known that he was not a man of ethics.

Cloris glared at Cassandra, irritated.

"What do you think you are saying, Cassandra? Arthur has always treated me with respect. Don't you dare stir things up between us!" she remarked.

Cloris loved Arthur and she trusted him with her whole heart. Hearing Cassandra talk about him the way she did, offended her.

Unwilling to argue, Cassandra merely stood up and looked at her sister.

"Mom, I'll go now. Please keep an eye on Cloris. I don't know what will happen to her otherwise,"

she said softly as she made her exit. Arthur had always played dirty tricks. She could not imagine what worse things he could come up with. Cloris was so naive. At least Edith had a suspicion that something was wrong. As for Cassandra, her primary concern was to make sure that her family was safe.

"Ok, I know what to do,"

Edith replied. Knowing what happened to Cloris was enough to shock her. Realizing what her daughter had been through made her more vigilant in safeguarding her family. Despite Arthur's gentleman facade, she learned to anticipate something else that he could be hiding.

Cassandra walked out in haste. Rufus, who had been waiting at the courtyard, grew concerned when he saw Cassandra's urgent demeanor.

"Cassandra, what happened?" he inquired.

He had a few guesses on what had happened, but since he did not see it firsthand, he could not be so sure.

Seeing Cassandra's anxiety confirmed his suspicion that there really was something problematic that occurred.

"I need to talk to Arthur,"

she replied calmly. Still, there was conviction in her voice.

Rufus reached out, grabbed her by the arm, and looked at her straight in the eye.

"Cassandra, relax. What are you planning to do with him?" he asked.

Rufus had a strong feeling that something was about to go terribly wrong.

"Rufus, there is something I want to tell you,"

she took a deep breath and looked at Rufus.

"What is it?"

he asked. A part of him already knew what she was about to say but opted to ask anyway.

"The reason why I wasn't able to help you in the studio and the reason why I wasn't able to go out for a while was because I helped the Tang Group prepare for the bidding,"

she confessed. Telling Rufus the truth relieved her. It felt as if a huge weight were taken off her shoulders.

Contrary to how she expected him to react, Rufus was calm. He merely looked at her with a knowing gaze and a slight smile.

'What a silly woman you are, Cassandra, ' he thought to himself. 'How could you have thought that I really had no clue?'

"Unfortunately though, a virus was apparently planted in the flash drive where the presentation was saved. It ended up destroying all the documents right when it was already time to present it in the bidding. The Tang Group failed to get the project. And the person responsible for all this is Arthur,"

she continued coldly. In her mind, she pictured Arthur as a hideous snake, sneaking around and twisting his cold and slender body. Venom shot from his mouth as he came up behind Cloris. The image sent shivers down her spine.

"Do you think confronting him now will lead him to admitting it?"

Rufus asked, challenging Cassandra's plan of action.

Chapter 469 Parents‘ Order 1

Chapter 469 Parents‘ Order 2

Chapter 469 Parents‘ Order 3


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