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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 

The party had wound down by ten o’clock. Matilda sat by the fountain, the high heels she wore taking their toll on her feet. She rested alone, her elegant profile softly illuminated by the fountain lights, a stark contrast to her earlier, more strained interactions with Yvan

Adrian emerged from the crowd just in time to catch this tranquil moment. A cynical smirk crossed his lips as he approached, hands casually tucked into his pockets, his bluegreen eyes almost bewitching under the night lights, reminiscent of the eerie glow of fireflies

Matilda noticed him but didn’t bother with any pretense, greeting him as casually as anyone else would, Good evening. Mr. Simpson.” 

Good evening,Adrian spat through clenched teeth. This woman had deliberately bumped into him earlier just to put on a show for Yvan. He had never been so blatantly used by anyone before

It was clear that Matilda had no intention of engaging with Adrian, so after her brief greeting. she fell silent, waiting as he stepped closer

She looked up, her gaze clashing with his piercing eyes. Something on your mind?” she asked. Adrian let out a laugh. Just toss me aside after using me? Do I look like someone who’d let that slide so easily?” 

Matilda chuckled lightly. It was a mutual need, and you were not shortchanged.” 

A mutual need, huh?Adrian’s scoff held a deeper chill, I underestimated you. How did you manage to feign such innocence before? Or is duplicity just your nature?” 

That’s your answer, then.She stood up, not wanting to linger with Adrian. Think of me as duplicitous if you like. Compared to Yvan’s ruthlessness, my duplicity could almost be taken as a compliment.” 

Adrian’s smile deepened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Someone like Yvan, you’ll never outplay him.” 

Matilda felt a twinge in her chest, only to hear Adrian’s mocking voice continue. But you, you’re the kind of woman who’s only good for a man’s amusement.” 

As she turned, she stepped back from the fountain, distancing herself from the menacing figure

At that moment, Criss returned, wrapping his arms around her, Hey, darling, what are you doing here alone with Mr. Simpson?” 

The word alonedrew a sneer from Adrian. Don’t flatter yourself; I can hardly bear Ms. Thompson’s affections.” 

Matilda remained silent, too weary from dealing with Yvan to argue, confused as to why Adrian seemed intent on provoking her anger with every pointed and mocking remark


Chapter 130 

Seeing Matilda’s silence as boring. Adrian lost interest. She had been fiery in front of Yvan, but in his presence, she was just dull


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