Greyson pushed the shopping cart, full of snacks, and followed Ashley and Ellie.
Greyson watched as they loaded more and more food into the carts. When they were overflowing, they went to the cash register.
"Girls, can we finish so much food?" Greyson said, looking at the mound of groceries.
Ashley knew Greyson was worried. She, however, wasn't. If they bought too many ingredients, they had a refrigerator to store them until the next time they ate.
"Don't worry. We can finish them all. Besides, even if we don't eat them today, we will have enough to make other meals."
Greyson nodded, but still didn't understand. He simply shook his head and stood quietly behind the girls.
He knew all three of them liked eating. They didn't need to worry if they would be able to consume them all.
Greyson pushed a shopping cart, and Ashley and Ellie pushed another one.
On the way to the cash register, they saw two people in the corner of the store, walking and talking, hand in hand.
Ashley pretended not to see them and swiveled around, diverting her attention away from the familiar outline.
In a whisper, the female silhouette nudged the male, and said, "Is that Ashley?" pointing across the store. "With Ellie?"
The man's ears perked up at the sound of the name Ashley. "Ashley? Where?" He stammered. Lena held onto Raymond's arm in desperation.
"Over there," she sighed. Raymond's heart beat faster and his eyes twinkled, just at the mention of her name and he wanted to see her.
Lena sucked air through her teeth. She did not intend to split Raymond's attention with anyone, especially not Ashley.
She pointed to the direction where Ashley passed. "I am not sure if it is Ashley, but judging from the back, it looks like her, with Ellie beside her."
He wanted to see her but, he recalled how he and Ashley parted ways in the Vineyard Restaurant. Clearly, he was blacklisted from speaking with her, but he really wanted to find out about the man she was with. He seemed powerful. Raymond was not allowed to speak, text, contact, or communicate with her in any way.
As much as he wanted to interact with Ashley, he heeded the advice of his mother and took care of the girl he brought to the store.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the group. His head was pounding. He pulled Lena toward the aisle.
"I think you're mistaken, that's not Ashley," he said as they headed for another direction.
Lena opened her mouth, trying to speak, but she closed it. Then she opened it again to try. The surprised expression on her face was noticeable.
This was the first time Raymond didn't rush to Ashley at the sound of her name - and she was certain, despite what he said, that she was in this supermarket.
Lena felt giddy. Was Raymond changing?
The three were next to the checkout counter, when Greyson cried out, "Ashley! I need to go back. I lost something. It's important!" Glaring at Greyson, Ashley hissed, "What?! We've just got to check out and now you need to go back into the store?"
She exchanged an aggravated expression with Ellie.
They had been shopping for two hours!
Two hours!
Now they had to retrace all their steps, and push two shopping carts.
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