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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 1037

At this time, Garbassi stepped forward to stop Reuben from beating Benjamin.

However, Marcel said, "Garbassi, don’t stop him!"

If he took Benjamin away like this, he would beat him up!

"I didn't expect you to hurt my woman like this. I regard you as my friend," Reuben said in a cold voice, his eyes gloomy and cold.

"Ha ha! It's because you don't love her enough!" Benjamin sneered and reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Garbassi stepped forward and handcuffed Benjamin.

Then Garbassi stepped back and waited for Reuben to call him again.

Reuben kicked Benjamin's belly again.

He kicked his belly several times in a row!

Benjamin bent over slightly and tried to protect his lower part of his body!

However, Reuben hated him so much!

His reason was almost worn out by this deep hatred.

At this time, Garbassi sensed the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly said, "Captain Hopkins, we should stop him, he will die!"

Marcel nodded slightly. "Ok, beat him after. If he dies, it will be too easy for him!"

Reuben stopped.

However, Benjamin laughed, with blood all over his mouth. Lying on the ground, he sneered, "Marcel, you are so selfless. Why don't you arrest Nate? I have sent you an anonymous report letter and evidence! Why don't you arrest Nate?"

Upon hearing this, everyone turned to look at Marcel!

Marcel's face darkened.

Natalie also raised her head and saw Marcel. She found that his body seemed to be stiff.

"Oh, it's you!" Marcel said in a cold voice. He quickly turned his head and looked around the room through Benjamin. "Garbassi, put on his clothes and take him away!"

Natalie was shocked by Marcel's reaction.

Hearing this, Benjamin's face changed quickly. Anger, jealousy, hatred, and all kinds of emotions mixed on his face, outlining a ferocious and angry face.

Suddenly, he turned to Natalie. With a sneer, Benjamin said, "look, Natalie. I'm right. Marcel won't investigate his father at all!"

Could he handle Marcel?

Natalie muttered to herself!

Looking at Natalie's thoughtful look, which was cold with trust, Benjamin's angry face became even gloomier.

Garbassi fetched his clothes and helped him put them on. He didn't care about Benjamin's bleeding thigh at all!

All of a sudden, Reuben's eyes turned cold. He looked at Marcel with disdain.

"I don't care about your family affairs. Now, Benjamin has to be handed over to the prosecutors. You don't need to deal with the police!" Reuben had already called the prosecutor!

Soon, Benjamin was taken away by the inspector!

Three days later.

Nate called Natalie and asked her to go out for dinner!

Natalie was dissatisfied with Marcel's reluctance to arrest Nate!

She was looking for the evidence Benjamin gave her, but she couldn't find it!

Later, Natalie found that there was a drawer in Marcel, which was locked!

That day, when Marcel went to the bathroom, Natalie found his key and opened the drawer. When she opened the drawer, she found a photo, a recorder pen and some materials in it!

Natalie quickly browsed through it and found that what was inside was indeed related to Nate!

Natalie was silent for a while. Then she took something away, put it in her bag, and gave the key back!

When Marcel came out, Natalie asked, "Marcel, if your father really did something wrong, will you catch him?"

Marcel was stunned and looked at Natalie.

"You wouldn’t arrest him, right?" Natalie asked in a low voice, feeling a little disappointed!

Marcel didn't answer.

After a long while, Natalie said, "Marcel, I'll go back tonight!"

"Ok." Marcel didn't keep her.

After leaving the InterContinental Century City, Natalie walked out of the room. When she walked out, she looked back at the Marcel apartment, where the lights were on!

She took a deep breath!

When she was about to leave, a car stopped beside her.

Subconsciously, Natalie raised her head and saw that the car window had been rolled down, revealing Reuben's gloomy face.

"Get in the car," said Reuben.

Natalie was stunned. After hesitating for a while, she got on the car.

In the car.

After a long while, Reuben asked, "is Marcel still unwilling to accept it?"

Natalie paused again and nodded. "Yes!"

"Then you can do it for him," Reuben said. "I have other evidence of Nate's crime. The murder case twenty-five years ago was time limited, but later it won't be. Nate can still be punished. Since Marcel can't do it, you can help him!"

At that time, Reuben couldn't do anything about it, so he gave the USB to Natalie!

After saying that, Reuben took a file envelope.

"Now, let's go to the procuratorate!" Reuben said.

Natalie was also stunned and shook her head subconsciously.

Reuben looked at her sharply and asked, "are you worried that Marcel will hate you if you do that?"

"..." Reuben spoke out Natalie's thoughts so clearly.

Yes, she was afraid!

If he had taken this step, it would be impossible for Marcel to be together with him anymore!

However, if she let go of Nate, Natalie felt that she couldn't face herself and her parents!

"Reuben, can you give me one night to think about it?" Natalie said in a low voice, "I'll give you my reply tomorrow morning!"

Reuben took a deep look at Natalie. After a long while, he said, "okay!"

Reuben sent Natalie home.

Natalie stayed in her room for a whole night. On the second day, she came out with an envelope in her hand, on which there were two words, resignation!

When she went downstairs, she saw Leonard. Natalie said in a low voice, "Dad, I'm going to resign. I've turned myself in. I might be..."

Natalie didn't know how to continue.

Leonard's face turned pale. "Are you going to be held accountable?"

Natalie lowered her head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, father. I just want to have a clear conscience!"

Leonard sighed. "My child, you didn't do anything wrong to us. It's dad and mom's fault. We didn't raise you up these years. At that time, dad didn't have the courage to see the so-called corpse. It turned out that this situation was caused. Fortunately, my daughter is smart, or today our father and daughter might be used by someone. In that case, dad will never know that you are still alive! Your sister... it's all my fault! I taught your sister a lesson, which led her to go astray! "

"Father!" Natalie felt sad and didn't know how to respond.

"Okay! Go ahead! I'm on your side. I'll try my best to find the best relationship. I won't plead for you, but ask them to be fair!"

Natalie closed her eyes and came up with an idea. She said, "Dad, if I go to jail, I will learn to do business with you after I get out of prison!"

Hearing this, Leonard was stunned.

He could understand his daughter's thoughts. He knew that the child wanted to comfort himself and his previous career. This was the child's good intentions! He felt guilty for the child!

For so many years, he didn't fulfill his responsibility, but asked her thin shoulder to help him!

How could he not feel guilty?

He knew clearly that his daughter had given up her dream of being a police to do business.

"Okay!" Leonard nodded, patted her on the shoulder and held her in his arms.

Natalie wanted to cry, but she held back her tears and took a deep breath!

When Rae left home, he picked up his phone and called Reuben.

Reuben drove to pick her up soon.

After getting on the car, Natalie said, "go to the procuratorate!"

"Have you made up your mind?" Reuben asked.

Natalie nodded, "yes! I've made up my mind!"

Soon, the car stopped at the procuratorate. Natalie and Reuben walked in together.

Reuben asked a prosecutor he knew.

Natalie submitted the materials.

After that, they got the news that they would immediately criticize and arrest Nate!

Reuben sent Natalie to work.

Natalie got off the car.

All of a sudden, Reuben called out, "Natalie!"

Natalie turned around.

Reuben took out a card from his car.

Chapter 1037 End 1

Chapter 1037 End 2


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