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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 86

Instead of heading straight to the house, Penelope went down to the station to see Hopper and Freddie. She couldn’t keep the news of Clara still being alive to herself.

She got to the station and waited till it was time for the conjugal visit.

When it was time, she asked to see Hopper first. She was taken to a private room so that they could talk.

She was happy she didn’t have to stay behind the desk to talk to him this time around. She was going to finally touch him after a long time.

After a few minutes, Hopper arrived. Immediately he stepped into the room, a smile lit up his face.

He opened his arms and embraced her. She was also fully ready to embrace him.

“How are you, I missed you so much.” Hopper said as he broke the hug.

“I missed you so much too, Hopper.” She responded and that both sat. Penelope heaved a sigh and gulped hard as she sat.

Hopper furrowed his brows and looked at her closely. He could sense something wasn’t right with her.

“Penelope. What is it this time? You are acting happy but your face is telling me something different.”

“You’re going to scold me if I tell you why I’m sad.”

“So you’re going to keep it to yourself? C’mon Penelope.”

“Promise me you won’t scold me. I know you warned me, but I didn’t listen so you don’t have to remind me.”

Hopper nodded and pinned his mouth with his finger. “Can you please tell me now?”

“Well, I succeeded in making Amelia hate me more than ever before. I confessed that I was the one who ordered someone to kidnap her and her daughter, and…”

“What?!! Penelope, are you crazy! You kidnapped both of them? For what reason?!” Hopper smacked.

“You promised not to scold me!”

“Well, I can’t help it! Why would you do that to your daughter? You should be protecting her, not endangering her. Who would love you after that?”

“That’s it! I knew coming here was a bad idea.” She grabbed her bag and wanted to storm out but Hopper quickly grabbed her and made her stop.

“Fine! I’m sorry, okay! I just… haaa.” He sighed. “Just sit down and tell me the rest of the story.”

Penelope rolled her eyes an reluctantly sat again.

“You had your reasons, right?” He asked and she bounced her head.

“Yes, but it doesn’t justify what I did to her. She has cut me off from her life and Alice’s finally. She doesn’t want to see me anymore, if possible, not breathe the same air as mine. She doesn’t want me anymore, Hopper.” She muttered in sadness.

“Can I ask you something?” Hopper inquired.

“Go on.”

“Why did you do that in the first place? Please don’t tell you did it because she threw me in jail. I already told you that I’m guilty and I should suffer for it.”

“No, it isn’t about you. I don’t want to talk about that anymore, okay?”

“Oh God, Penelope. You are beginning too hard to understand these days. What are you going to do about Amelia now? And what about Elena? Does she hate you too?”

“Well, she literally exposed my secret to everyone at the house. I don’t think she like me either. She was the first to know that I knew about the abduction, and she made sure Amelia was rescued. She ruined my plans.”

“Ruined your plans? Can you please shut up? You have no right to act like you were doing the right thing. No matter how valid your reasons were, you could have used other ways to express your feelings, not such an illegal way! I’m sorry I’m scolding you but I can’t just help it! What are you turning into, Penelope?”

“Can we skip to the main reason I am here?” She asked, trying to act like his words didn’t get to her.

“There’s another reason apart from this? Oh God...”

“Clara is alive.”

“Who is Clara?” His brows knitted as he asked in confusion.

“The woman that carried our twins! The one you thought you killed. She is alive, and as i’m speaking to you, she is in James’ mansion!”

Hopper went mute for a few seconds, he tried to assimilate and interpret what he had just heard.

“The woman that I asked Freddie to take care of is still alive? How is that possible? He told me he took care of everything perfectly and there was nothing to worry about. And why is she just showing up now? It’s been over fifteen years. Are you sure about this?”

“Why would I want to joke about an event that happened over fifteen years ago! She is alive and in here to find out how and why.”

“I have no idea! I’m as shocked as you are! Didn’t I show you their burial place? Freddie told me it was all done.”

“Then it looks like Freddie knows something we don’t know.” Penelope uttered and Hopper bobbed.

“Let me talk to him. I’ll go to him now. Wait till I’m back, okay?”

Penelope nodded and Hopper headed out of the room. He walked back to his cell to talk to Freddie. They happened to be put in the same cellroom.

He got into the cell and saw Freddie lying on his bed, on the top of the bunk.

“Freddie, are you awake?” He asked, and Freddie turned on his other side and looked at him.

“Yes, I am. Why? Penelope left already?”

“No, she is still in the waiting room. I needed to come and ask you a question.”

“Which is?” He questioned.

“You said you took care of Stanley and Clara, right?”

After hearing his question, Freddie sat up and stared at his face. “Why are you asking me this? It’s been years.”

“Tell me why Clara is still alive, Freddie. What did you do?!”

Freddie gulped and looked away. He exhaled hard and jumped down from the bunk.

“I need to pee.” He mumbled.

Hopper hastily grabbed him by the arm and pinned him against the wall.

“Tell me what Clara is still alive! I paid you to get rid of two of them, not one!”

“Well, she survived, okay? What difference does it make now?! We are in prison already. She can’t do much as revenge anymore.”

“When you told me she was dead, and showed me her burial place, who was in that place?”

Chapter 86: I don’t regret. 1


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