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A Night with Her Cruel Mate novel Chapter 24

"No, you are not dreaming," Samuel answered. "Wasn’t it just seeing a director? What are you being so excited about?"

"You don't understand." Julia shook her head. "I’ve always dreamt of becoming a director ever since I was a child, and Director Zhang has been my long-time idol."

"Why did you become an actress then? Shouldn’t you go into the directing field?" Samuel asked. The curiosity in his gaze was apparent.

"It's complicated. Anyway, you won’t understand even if I explain it to you," Julia said while rolling her eyes. "By the way, how did you know I'm here for Director Zhang?"

"Isn't it obvious?" It was now Samuel's turn to roll his eyes. "I just had to call Jelly Belly, and I’d know everything I wanted to know."

Julia looked at Samuel in silence. She knew that he must’ve been worried about her and so he called her agent. This knowledge almost overwhelmed her because it had been such a long time since someone actually cared and worried about her. Gratitude was brimming in her chest. She had many things to say to Samuel, but they seemed to be stuck in her throat. In the end, she only managed to say two words hoarsely. "Thank you."

"Don’t mention it." Samuel put his hands on Julia's shoulders. "Besides, I haven’t done much, nor can I do much to help you. At the end of the day, you still have to rely on yourself."

"I understand." Julia nodded. "Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. It’s indeed my turn to stand up for myself now."

With that thought in mind, she felt much more relaxed. She walked back and forth around the party area, taking a bit of this and that from the banquet tables. Her mouth went on a munching spree. This was a shocking and quite an unbearable sight. After a while, Samuel finally couldn’t hold back and said, "Hey, please don't eat too much. We’re going to have some barbecue later, remember?"

It took Julia a moment before she remembered their appointment.

They had promised each other that when they met, they would definitely find a place to drink and have a midnight snack.

Both of them were busy, so they didn’t have many chances to meet—a chance for a short gathering like this was extremely rare and was thus very valuable for them.

"Oh, sorry, I really forgot that we’re still going to have a meal later." Julia quickly put down the cake in her hand. "But I’m telling you this now—don't even try to pay for the meal later. Leave the bill to me. Just take it as a thank you for doing me such a big favor."

"Don't worry. I won't."

The party eventually ended.

They were going to have a meal somewhere nearby, but Julia's dress was too eye-catching.

This didn’t really matter for Julia. After all, she wasn’t famous, and very few people recognized her. However, it was an entirely different case for Samuel. She had to take his safety into consideration, so she asked him to go back to the hotel first and told him that she would catch up with him after she bought some snacks for them.

"No way! It's late now, it's not safe for you to go alone," Samuel protested.

"It's okay." Julia laughed. "You have women chasing after you wherever you go, I'm not famous. I have nothing to fear."

Upon hearing what Julia said, a strange expression appeared on Samuel's face. He stared at her without saying a word, seemingly trying to look into her heart.

"How about this?" A long time later, Samuel finally withdrew his gaze and compromised. "I'll drive you there and then wait in the car. You’ll be the one to get out and buy our food. When you’re done, we can go back to the hotel together. Both of us will be safe this way. What do you think?"

"Well, fine." Samuel's stubbornness left Julia with no other choice but to agree with him.

Fortunately, everything went on smoothly, and they could safely go back to Samuel's room. The moment they entered the room, Julia immediately sat down on the sofa and took out a can of beer from their harvest bag. She opened the can and gulped the beer down. Half of the beer in the can went into her stomach in a matter of seconds.

It was too late for Samuel to stop her, but he didn’t give up. He grabbed the opened can from her hand, saying angrily, "For heaven’s sake! You’re wounded! You shouldn’t drink like this!"

"Never mind that..." Julia smiled bitterly and tried to grab the can back. "It's not a big deal. I'm perfectly fine."

Samuel held the can out of her reach. "Julia, did something happen? Do you have anything you want to tell me?"


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