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A Spoonful of Sugar: Don't Beg for Love novel Chapter 691

"Hessy! You're awake!"

Fortunately, Jessie soon noticed Hesper had woken up when she turned her head around. She hastily pressed the button nearby and examined Hesper intently. "Do you feel uncomfortable in any particular part of your body, or have you remembered anything from before?"

Hestia did not feel like she had gained any memories after she passed out, and her headache was normal, so she just shook her head.

Very soon, the doctor came over and gave Hestia a brief check-up. After ascertaining that there was nothing wrong with her, he signed her up for a series of tests. If all of the reports showed that she was fine, she could be discharged from the hospital at any time.

"Do you know how scared I was when you collapsed?" Jessie said, her eyes turning red around the rims. "If I didn't run into Rickard, I don't know how long it would take me to get you to the hospital."

Hestia had been listening to Jessie expressionlessly, but when she heard Rickard's name, she froze.

"It was Rickard who brought me here?"


Hestia felt a headache coming on when she heard Jessie's answer. "Did you see anything on Facebook or hear any news when I was unconscious... especially entertainment news?"

Jessie did not know why Hestia suddenly asked her about this, so she just shook her head blankly.

"I already had my hands full taking care of you. I didn't have the time to play with my phone…"

Chapter 691 1

Chapter 691 2


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