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A Taste of Spring novel Chapter 17

Spring could hear the sound of Summer's bare feet on the hard floor behind her but Spring ignored it and the reflection of her sister that appeared in the mirror.

"Spill or I'm going to..."

(Sisters can be so fricking annoying.)

"Going to what? You have nothing on me, cow." Spring tossed the rest of her ice cream into the sink then used a towel to wet and wipe her chin and neck. No more. She wasn't going to be bullied.

"Really?" Summer asked as she gave Spring a mischievous grin. "I see that Troy's been calling a lot."

Spring gazed at Summer's reflection in the mirror. Spring's eyes narrowed, her lips pursed, and her pulse quickened. "You wouldn't," Spring hissed.

"I would." The determined look on Summer's face spoke volumes.

Spring broke eye contact. She rinsed the towel much longer than was necessary, then hung it from the hook where the hand towels usually dangled. She tossed the wooden ice cream stick into the garbage then moved past her sister and out of the bathroom, giving her a wide berth.

"Fine," Spring sighed as she fell back into the chair. "I met him at the place your client requested. He actually approached me so...yeah, contact was easy." Spring lifted her feet up and under her in the chair then sat back, getting more comfortable.

"What happened after you went to his house, Two?" Summer reached for the remote that fell to the floor earlier when Spring got up and turned the television off.

Spring glanced at the remote but didn't say what she was thinking. That she wasn't going to touch it again unless she boiled it.

"Two," Summer said and snapped her fingers. "Focus. What happened next?"

Spring shook her head then reluctantly thought of the man she was unsuccessfully trying to forget. She told Summer of the dinner, the arcade game, and the kiss. God, that kiss. The kiss was why she lost her damn mind.

The way he touched her, the way he continued to kiss her, the feel of him inside her. That night still haunted her, so as she retold her sister how she felt in Dezmond's arms it was as if she was reliving every moment. Sensations and shivers racked her body but Spring tried her best to hide it.

Neither spoke for a few minutes after Spring finished.

"Hmmm," Summer said as she sat back on the sofa.

Spring frowned. "What?"


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