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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO novel Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

Beep. Beep.

Julian ended the call the moment he finished delivering his passionate speech.

Ashton had no choice but to yield to her suddenly determined brother.

On the other hand, Julian was losing patience each time his sister insisted on setting him up on a blind date. From that day on, he was determined to find the woman who had ignited his interest and pursue her relentlessly.

He had made up his mind. If he couldn’t win her over even by taking the initiative, he would remain single for the rest of his life and never agree to another blind date!

This decision stemmed from a previous disastrous blind date experience that had left a lasting impact on him, instilling within him a profound fear of blind dates.

To his surprise, his assistant, Max, came bearing good news the very next day!

“Mr. Summerton, I’ve found her! Your Hestia is a woman who owns a clothing store. She is no ordinary woman!”

“That’s fantastic! Where is her store located? I will fly there immediately!”

Julian couldn’t contain his excitement.

That woman was the first woman to capture his heart. He longed for her to be his muse. He desperately wanted her to accompany him to capture the most beautiful landscapes around the world.

Besides, he needed a girlfriend to silence his sister and parents, who were constantly pressuring him to get married!

“It’s in Cloudscape Mall.”

“Alright, I will head there right away!”

Julian hung up the phone and exclaimed with enthusiasm, “My Hestia! My lovely fire spirit! Brace yourself for my hurricane-like love attack!”

Meanwhile, Emmanuel decided to check on Roselynn’s situation after dropping off his wife at work.

Soon, he noticed some rather offensive words upon arriving at Cloudscape Mall, and that was long before he stepped foot in his sister’s shop!

“Quillenrose’s boss is a demon!”

“She murdered her husband!”

“A shameless woman!”

Although most of them had been covered up, faint traces of those insults were still visible.

Emmanuel suddenly felt a surge of sympathy for his sister.

Even though she had already gotten a divorce, it seemed that her ex-husband had no intention of letting her go!

10:31 Sat, 2 Dec M


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