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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 

Hold it!” 

The crowd blocked Emmanuel before he could enter the company building

Hubert slowly approached from behind, his face filled with anger

Isn’t he Mackenzie’s personal bodyguard? She even used him as a shield at 

Azure Business Club. This guy has repeatedly ruined my plans. I’m not going 

to let him off the hook today

Just then, the captain of Terence Group’s security team, Ryan Brandson

emerged with a group of security guards in tow


They had grown tired of Hubert’s audacious pursuit of their revered CEO. If it 

weren’t for his social status and connections, they would have eagerly taught 

him a lesson he wouldn’t forget

Much to their surprise, he had taken it to another level that night, turning the 

business district into his personal romantic haven adorned with candles and 


This is outrageous! What if a fire were to break out? Even if there’s no fire 

incident, it’s still wrong to burn the plants

Fortunately, Emmanuel had taken the lead and extinguished the candles

With the CEO’s orders, they could finally take action and teach him a lesson

As the company’s security team came out in full force, Emmanuel held his 

head high and pointed at Hubert and his group. You bunch of thugs! How 

dare you attempt arson at Terence Group. What gives you the nerves to 

cause trouble?” 

His accusations stunned Hubert and his comrades

Arson at Terence Group? What a strong accusation! Does this guy want to 

frame us for a crime

Hubert and his men were fuming with anger, and their eyes burned with 

frustration as they locked gazes

Ryan and his security team yelled, We are the company’s security guards

and it’s our duty to put out fires!” 

If you don’t leave now, don’t blame us for being rough!one of the security 

guards shouted angrily

Another chimed in, Remember to clean up the place! If we see any mess

we’ll ensure you come back and clean it up!” 

Hubert clenched his teeth and shot Emmanuel a cold, piercing gaze. Just 

you wait!” 

He then reluctantly led his defeated group away from the scene

Hey, don’t forget to pick up your candles!Emmanuel called out

Alas, his words fell on deaf ears as none of them bothered to turn around

Emmanuel could only sigh helplessly. He litters and lacks civic 

consciousness. No woman would have a good life with someone like him.” 


Beatrix had been observing the entire scene and discreetly recorded it all


This was a battle between Mackenzie’s husband and his romantic rival

Emmanuel emerged triumphant. She couldn’t wait to share the episode with 


Little did Beatrix know that Mackenzie had been observing the entire scene 

from upstairs. She couldn’t help but think that having a husband had its 

advantages, especially when it came to chasing away unwanted suitors


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