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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

Mackenzie’s gaze visibly chilled at the sight of Claudette approaching her 


Even Frederick sensed the antagonism rolling off Mackenzie. I can’t help you 

with this, man

He shrugged and turned back toward the clinics

Well, are you done with your consultation?asked Mackenzie frostily

Yes, I’m done.” 

Claudette was no fool. She could already guess the nature of Emmanuel and 

Mackenzie’s relationship based on the latter’s behavior, though she could 

hardly believe it herself

She had once asked Emmanuel if he had a girlfriend, and he had somewhat 

implied that he was attached. Is his girlfriend the heiress of the Quillen 

family? Is he such an excellent catch? But I thought Mackenzie suffered from 


Mackenzie’s words cut through Claudette’s thoughts. Good. Then I’m taking 

Emmanuel with me!” 

She would have dragged Emmanuel away a lot sooner had she not been 

generous enough to spare Claudette’s pride

Hey, Ms. Quillen! Don’t pull so hard!Emmanuel hissed, perplexed by his 

wife’s behavior

This is a hospital, for goodness sake. I was just checking a female patient

Why does she make it seem as if she caught me cheating

After their departure, Claudette remained stunned in utter disbelief

Even Mackenzie was starting to question if she had been too agitated. What if 

he mistakes my response for jealousy? No! I’m definitely not jealous! I just 

want to solve his troubles ASAP

She dragged him by his shirt and only released her grip once they were in 

the parking lot

Emmanuel hurriedly reversed his Maserati out of the lot and even alighted 

from the car to open the passenger seat door for his wife. Only then did he 

venture to ask, Why did you suddenly come to visit me, Ms. Quillen?” 

I saw the trending headlines, so I thought I’d check on you.Mackenzie put on 

an air of indifference as she added, I suppose my worries were unfounded

seeing as you still had the bandwidth to hit on some random hottie.” 

Huh?Emmanuel’s befuddlement was shortlived. He soon smiled and 

drawled, I appreciate your concern, but Ms. Lenoir explained earlier that 

she’s only my patient. Are you actually jealous, Ms. Quillen?” 

Cut the cr*p! As if I know what jealousy is!” 

Mackenzie harrumphed coldly and ducked into the passenger seat

Urgh, this is all because of that stupid agreement! It’s depriving me of my 

basic rights as a wife! How can I not be jealous when my husband is with 

another woman? What kind of twisted logic is that? 

Emmanuel had boarded the car by then and asked, Shall we head home

Ms. Quillen?” 

Waving her hand dismissively, she replied, Yes. You’re famous in Yeringham 

now. Someone may recognize you if we loiter in public. You’ll affect my 

reputation too.” 

She thought being mean would p*ss him off, but to her surprise, Emmanuel 

apologized earnestly, I’m sorry for causing you trouble, Ms. Quillen. Did you 

take the day off just to look for me? Will it affect your pay or your boss‘ 



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