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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 

After listening to Ryder’s story about his marriage, Mackenzie broke into

disdainful smirk

It was clearly a clichéd story of an honest man marrying a woman pregnant 

with another man’s child. She was just surprised that it happened to one of 

her relatives

Men of the Lowe family are truly idiots!” 

Her words indirectly insulted Emmanuel again, yet he didn’t utter a word of 


The truth was that he wasn’t in a much better situation than Ryder. To

certain extent, he might actually be worse off

After all, he and Mackenzie had a blitz marriage after meeting each other 

only once. The interaction they shared was lesser than that of Ryder and 


At the very least, Ryder and Abellyn were intimate before getting hitched. In 

contrast to them, he had still not held Mackenzie’s hand

With that in mind, Emmanuel burst into sudden laughter. That’s right. I don’t 

deny that we’re idiots. That said, I think I’m a lot luckier than Ryder is!” 

What’s that supposed to mean?” 

When Mackenzie gave him an abrupt stare, Emmanuel explained with

blissful smile, You’re not only more beautiful than Abellyn, but your character 

is also so much better than hers. When I first married you for the sake of 

placating my mother, I admit I was taking a huge risk. But thank God we’re 

relatively happy now, aren’t we?” 

Mackenzie pouted on purpose. Hmph, you’re the one who’s happy, not me!” 

Did I do anything to upset you, Ms. Quillen?Emmanuel inquired 


Isn’t it obvious? You’re still being attacked online. If the matter escalates, I’m 

afraid Ias your wifewill be dragged into it sooner or later!” 

Ah! II’m so sorry. I’ll deal with it immediately,Emmanuel apologized

Back when he declared that he would face it alone, he neglected the fact 

that he had a lawfully wedded wife. If the online bullying continued

Mackenzie would inadvertently be embroiled in it

That’s why you’re an idiot. Anyway, what do you plan to do?” 

Roselynn and I will reply to every accusation to demonstrate our innocence 

and prove that our accusers have twisted the facts. That’s how we’re going to 

execute our counterattack. However, we do face one problemthe 

ghostwriters hired by our accusers. We don’t have enough funds to hire our 

own ghostwriters to fight them and also to boost our post.” 

That’s not a problem at all!The issue that was frustrating Emmanuel was no 

more than a trivial one to Mackenzie. I’ve plenty of friends in the media who 

can publish your clarification. As for hiring ghostwriters and boosting your 

post, I have plenty of money to do so.” 

Thank you, Ms. Quillen!” 

After expressing his gratitude, Emmanuel added confidently, Actually, there’s 

no need to pay for boosting the post. As long as a member of the press 

publishes our clarification online and showcases the evidence we have, I’m 

sure the public would take our side out of a sense of justice.” 

From the conviction Emmanuel showed, Mackenzie had no doubt that he had 

made the necessary preparations. 

On top of having full faith in his character, she was also certain that whoever 

attempted to throw false accusations at him would definitely be made to 

pay a heavy price

Emmanuel continued, I refuse to believe that Granddad and Jamison are 

powerful enough to do this. I’m sure someone else is helping them behind 

the scenes, and I’ll definitely get to the bottom of this!” 

Mackenzie nodded in agreement

If Emmanuel’s granddad and his family were that capable, they wouldn’t 

have to go all out just to cheat tens of thousands. It seems there’s more to 

the matter than meets the eye

In that case, we should let the matter fester a while more. The bigger the 

issue becomes, the more powerful our reprisal will be.” Mackenzie offered

For now, I’ll help you find out who in the world is behind this!” 

Thank you, Ms. Quillen!Emmanuel expressed his gratitude again, as the 

woman’s assistance had simplified the matter significantly

She responded with a haughty smile, Don’t thank me. I just don’t want to be 

plagued by your problems.” 

Emmanuel’s heart warmed in spite of her words

Upon returning to her room, Mackenzie put Lexi to work. She ordered the latter 

to investigate who was behind the malicious article and was spending 

money to boost the topic

As for Emmanuel, he went off to prepare lunch instead of joining Mackenzie in 

her room

Once lunch was served, he received a call from Terence

What is it, Grandpa?” 

Manny, I’ve just learned that you’re a victim of online bullying. How are you 


Even though Terence was the chairman of Terence Group, the daily 

operations of the company were left to the younger members of the family

Given that the female members of the Quillen family ran the government 

and private sectors of Yeringham, there was little left for him to do

His greatest concern now was when Emmanuel and his eldest 

granddaughter would bear him a greatgrandchild. Therefore, he was calling 

to find out more about the situation so that he can crush whoever that was 

causing his grandsoninlaw trouble

Grandpa, I’m fine. Something as trivial as this won’t destroy me, so don’t 

worry. Mackenzie has returned to help me deal with it,” Emmanuel quickly 

replied, touched by Terence’s concern

He was filled with gratitude especially when he thought of how Ryder and his 

own mother treated him. I can’t believe how nice Mackenzie’s family is

Oh, Mackenzie?” 

The reply triggered a rush of excitement in Terence

All this while, he was worried that Mackenzie was just too cold, making any 

intimacy with Emmanuel difficult. If the situation continued, Terence’s dreams 

for a greatgrandchild might never come to fruition

The fact that Mackenzie had gone home to assist Emmanuel in resolving the 

issue was a testament to her feelings for him. It was a sign that elevated the 

old man’s hopes for a greatgrandchild significantly

All right then. I’ll let both of you take care of it. Let me know if it becomes too 

much for you.” 

Terence subsequently hung up with a gleeful smile, for he clearly wasn’t


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