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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO novel Chapter 7

hapter Ice Queen 

Chapter 7 

Being the magnanimous man that he was, Emmanuel 

cast aside all his displeasure as soon as he found the 

apartment and dragged his luggage in with him. 

The unit was huge-more than twice the size of his 

three-bedroom home-and the interior was lavishly 


The four-bedroom apartment felt a bit like a maze on 

one’s first visit. 


One thing that Emmanuel noticed, however, was that 

although the unit was fully furnished, there didn’t seem 

to be any fast-moving consumer goods. 

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That means she probably doesn’t live here on a 

regular basis. Rich people sure love wasting what they 

have, huh? I shared an eighty-square-foot home with 

two family members, while this woman bought a 

two-hundred-square-foot apartment and left it 

unoccupied. If her grandfather hadn’t forced her to get 

married, and she needed to use this place to keep me, 

it probably would’ve stayed empty forever. 

The man scoffed at his own thoughts. 

Wait, “keep me?” I just made myself sound like I’m 

living off her. That’s not what I’m here for! I just needed 

to find a woman to spend my days with, and we’re 

both getting something out of each other. Besides, I 

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much the same as paying rent. 

Out of the four bedrooms, only the biggest one had 

multiple closets filled with brand-new clothes. 

This must be her lair. 

There was an array of shirts and coats, but only three 

pairs of underwear-all of which were either fully white 

or black and made of cotton. 

What a waste of a body like that. Why doesn’t she wear 

something spicier? 

Despite thinking that, Emmanuel had no interest in 

touching her clothes and walked away. Then, he 

picked the bedroom furthest from hers as his own. 

Considering how much Mackenzie hated men, he knew 

he was better off staying as far away from her as 



Feeling his stomach growl again, Emmanuel headed 

into the kitchen. 

Seriously? All this premium cookware and equipment, 

but no food! What’s the point? Am I supposed to eat a 

frying pan? 

Thus, the man decided it was time to make a trip down 

to the nearby supermarket. 

Since he couldn’t go back to his family for now, he 

could only make this place his new home. 

He was so hungry that he bought himself a bun before 

doing his grocery shopping. 

Back at Terence Group, the meeting had just ended, 

and Mackenzie glanced at the time. It was already 

past nine. 

Per usual, her mind was filled with work as she walked 

over to her Bentley. 

The driver took her in the direction of the family 


“Stop!” she called out halfway through the journey. 

“What’s the matter, Ms. Quillen?” the driver immediately 

hit the brakes and asked politely. 

The woman naturally didn’t answer him. In fact, she 

had only just remembered that she was now married, 

and Terence had warned her not to return to the 

Quillen family mansion until she had given birth. 

A woman should be wherever her husband was; this 

was the country’s millennium-long tradition. 

Regardless of her status, she still had to live with her 

husband now that she was married. 

“Turn around. Take me to Yociam Residence.” 

“Yes, Ms. Quillen.” 

That was all the driver responded with, despite his 


As Mackenzie’s only remaining male driver, he wasn’t 

going to risk losing his high-paying job by being 

careless with his words. 

It was past ten when Emmanuel returned to the 



He had left the lights on when leaving, so he didn’t 

realize Mackenzie was already home, especially since 

the place looked as tidy as before. 

Drenched in sweat after grocery shopping, the man 

took off his shirt and walked toward the bathroom, 

only to freeze on the spot the moment he opened the 


He stared wide-eyed at the woman in the tub, having 

lost his ability to blink. 

Mackenzie was enjoying a bubble bath with her legs 

sticking out of the tub, her pink toes looking like flower 

buds in a field of snow. 

Even though the bathtub was filled with bubbles, 

Emmanuel could still vaguely see what was 

underneath the water from where he was standing. 

The woman’s figure was stunning beyond description, 

and her skin shimmered like moonstone. 



Emmanuel’s heart began to race again, and this time, 

it was ten times faster. 

Having seen so many women as a gynecologist, he 

had never felt anything. 

However, this time, he knew Mackenzie was different 

from the rest. 

“Are you done staring? Do you want me to carve out 

your eyes?” 

Instead of screaming, the woman threatened him icily 

and glared at him with eyes that could kill. 

She never locked the bathroom door as she was used 

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to staying alone, but she now regretted not doing that. 

“I’m sorry, Ms. Quillen. I didn’t know you were back.” 

Feeling goosebumps all over his skin, Emmanuel 

hurriedly fled. 

Despite acting calm initially, he leaned against the wall 

immediately upon exiting the bathroom and gasped 

for air. 

Any second of delay, and I’d probably be dead. This is 

exactly the problem with blitz marriages. You don’t 

know the other person’s habits. Her eyes were so scary, 

but my God, every inch of that body was just unreal. 

To think that even he, a gynecologist, would feel this 


Meanwhile, Mackenzie clutched her chest while inside 

the bathtub. 

While she had managed to play it cool when the man 

walked in, she now felt completely on edge after he 


I can’t believe a man saw my body! Sure, he’s my 

husband, and it’s not like he was being creepy or 

anything, but still! I feel so grossed out! 

“I knew getting married was a bad idea…” 

The woman sighed helplessly. 

What if it’s all on purpose? 

She had always been distrusting of others since she 

was young, and when Emmanuel passed her two tests 

so easily, she began suspecting him of having ulterior 


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