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A Wild and Hot Cutie novel Chapter 21

Davis is wearing a tight long windbreaker, the perfect figure is more domineering, and he still wears a pair of black sunglasses to cover his sharp eyes. However, Alisa feels cold. Carrying her luggage, she freezes on the spot for half a day without moving.

"Alisa, get in the car, what are you still doing..." Selena smiles and urges Alisa after getting on the bus.

Alisa moves to the front of the sports car like a tortoise and puts the trunk on the ground. "Sister, I don't think I should go..."

There is still pain in some part of her body. She is thin-skinned and cannot look directly at Davis, so she sees his figure. She feels that she is so afraid of him. The shadow he leaves her is too hard to wear out.

Davis suddenly takes off his sunglasses and says to Alisa defiantly, "Don't you keep your words?" He asks defiantly, and Alisa suddenly remembers the two men killed by Davis. She knows deeply what kind of man she is facing.

"Come on, Alisa, Maldives is a beautiful place. I may have only one chance in my life..." Selena coughs in a low voice with a deep hint.

Alisa feels a lump in her heart, and she chokes, "Sister, I'll go!"

Davis doesn't speak in the car, and he just drives to the maximum speed. The wind blows Alisa's hair up. Alisa holds on to the handrail in a cold sweat. She is horrified to find that he is dicing with death by driving the sports car.

In the airport terminal, Davis goes to check in. Selena strokes Alisa's hair and asks with concern, "Alisa, you look like in a daze, aren’t you uncomfortable?

Alisa's eyes twinkle. "Sister, don't you think it's abnormal? You see those two men in black are following us all the time. "

Selena turns to take a look and smiled, "Don't worry, it's Davis's bodyguard."

Alisa says softly, "Sister, do I really go with you?"

"What's the matter? What you said to me before doesn't count? "

"No, sister, I'm a little airsick. I'm afraid that if I vomit on the plane, it will be ugly... "

"It's OK. I will be there..."

"Sister, do you really want to be with Davis? You see, he still has bodyguards. I think he may be from the gangland. There's no sense of security when you are along with such people... "

"Who says there's no sense of security?" Davis's figure appears in the same way behind the two people. His eyes mean to glance at Alisa inexplicably, which makes her heart jump.

"Come on, Alisa, you just give the luggage to them..." Davis takes the salute from Alisa's hand, holding her soft little hand and twisting it.

"Ah!" Alisa screams away like an electric shock.

"What's the matter, Alisa?" Selena looks back at Alisa's pale face and asks with concern. By this time, Davis has handed the suitcase to the bodyguard, turns around and looks at her. His dark eyes are scorn, sharp and domineering.

"No, no, a caterpillar has climbed into my hand..." Alisa looks up in embarrassment. She meets Davis's eyes. Her face turns red.

"Why don't I see caterpillars? Alisa, let's go. Don't look around. This is not in school. Be careful and follow me... "

Alisa walks carefully behind her sister, always feeling Davis's eyes stabbing her like a needle. It's hard on the left and right. Fortunately, they board the plane soon. Besides, when she gets on the boarding stairway, she is helped by Davis because of her missing foot. He doesn't deliberately invade her again.

Selena is in front of Alisa. Just after sitting down, a white pill is handed over, and the other hand is a cup of hot water. Davis's low voice sounds.

"Eat down..." Alisa gets nervous. What's this? Is it Confusing drug? Davis, are you crazy and want to invade me on the plane? Looking at the panic in Alisa's eyes, the big hand shrinks back and turns to Selena.

Selena hands over the pill. "Alisa, this is airsickness medicine. Didn't you say you are air sick just now? Eat it. "

Alisa shakes her head. "No airsickness, sister. I'm fine..."

Selena gives her a worried look and takes the pill back. "You don't eat, so I eat..."

"Sister, no..." Alisa hasn't finished saying a word. Selena has taken the pill.

Alisa's face suddenly turns pale. "Sister, you can't take it. The pill is poisonous. You will be raped if you take it..."

Selena's eyes are more puzzled. "Will be raped?"

Davis has a light smile on his lips. "Flight attendants..." The polite stewardess comes over at once and explains with a very sweet smile, "Don't worry, miss, that's the airsickness medicine specially issued by me on the plane, and it won't do any harm to the passengers..."

There is a flash of embarrassment on Alisa's face.


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