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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 413

Chapter 413 Does He Love Kelly

“Ah-choo!” Luna suddenly sneezed while discussing the prospects of their collaboration with the shareholders.

Abigail quickly handed her a tissue. “Sorry, the weather in Pendorf is very different from that of Capitalis. Perhaps we’re not so used to it,” Luna apologized to everyone.

The shareholders expressed their understanding.

Luna rubbed her nose, saying with a frown. “You guys still have the charm of an established brand, but… the styles are all from ten years ago. Those who buy your clothes nowadays aren’t the young ones anymore.”

As Abigail perused Fairy Meadow’s archived designs, her scrutiny halted when she reached the summer collection of the prior year. What caught her attention were numerous dresses strikingly similar to those stored in Locke’s warehouse. It appeared that these dresses, originally belonging to Locke, had surreptitiously found their way into Fairy Meadow’s inventory. Someone within the company had evidently taken these garments, removed their labels, and cunningly replaced them. with Fairy Meadow’s label, all without the knowledge of the shareholders.

Fairy Meadow was already rotten inside. To revive it, a radical shakeup of the top management

was necessary.

“After our collaboration, I only want five percent of your shares. My bestie here will take part in the design and receive bonuses, but there’s no need to give her any shares. I just want to have a say,” Luna said confidently.

Howard looked at her, his eyes sparkling.

An elderly man spoke up. “Giving five percent of the shares isn’t impossible, but do you intend to purge the top management? Is that why you want to have a say?”

“Not exactly. You’ve all persevered in the family business until now, and I know that many in the top management have worked their way up from the bottom. That being said, it’s okay to tell everyone not to be uncooperative, right?” she replied with a smile.

The elderly man fell silent.

“L.Moon is growing rapidly, and now you’re working with us all of a sudden. I can’t help but worry about this,” a middle-aged shareholder interrupted.

Luna was very good with words. “Even if L. Moon’s growth is rapid, we’re still juniors compared to everyone here at Fairy Meadow. Juniors need guidance from their seniors to prosper in the long run. Yeah, we might be doing well now, but what about next year? Without your support, L.Moon might find it hard to go further. Collaborating with you is a win-win solution.


Her words put the entire shareholder board at case, and smiles broke out across the room.

She continued with a smile, “We’re designating Fairy Meadow as a subsidiary of L.Moon because Fairy Meadow needs the help of L.Moon. As they say, the younger generation overtakes the older. Now that the younger generation has grown up, it’s time to protect and support the older generations. Don’t you all agree with that?”

Fairy Meadow had been incurring losses for three consecutive years, so how dare they compete for the position of the parent company? The distinction between the subsidiary and the parent company is mainly superficial.

Except for the addition of Luna, everything else about Fairy Meadow’s shareholders remained unchanged.

In the past three years, they had dismissed more than ten CEOs, but there hadn’t been any improvement.

After the collaboration was finalized, Luna came out of the shareholders’ office, her mouth. twisted with a triumphant smile. “Mr. Creed, shall we have lunch together?” she said to Howard with a sweet smile while linking arms with Abigail.


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