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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 443

Chapter 443 No Backing

Abigail was beginning to understand the challenges of operating in Capitalis. Unknown enemies had been working against her and her team since last year, only taking a brief respite while she was in Faglia. Now, the Pearson Family had joined in. Even with L.Moon’s stellar reputation in the industry, it was difficult to make headway without strong backing.

“Luna, do you think we should look for more powerful collaborators?” She turned to Luna.

“Powerful collaborators usually aim to acquire us. If you want help from them, they won’t do it genuinely,” Luna replied. Since L.Moon’s reputation had started to grow, countless investors wanted to buy into the company. They offered a lot of money but came with various demands and traps.

One misstep and L.Moon would end up in someone else’s hands, with both still counting money for others.

Hearing Luna’s response, Abigail sighed involuntarily. “We’re pretty isolated in Capitalis, aren’t we?”

“That’s right, but our goal is to deal with Kelly. Even if she’s making a mess right now, the Pearson Family will resent her even more when her true identity is revealed,” Luna stated.

Abigail nodded but did not say much. From her perspective, they needed a powerful ally for L.Moon to establish a stable foothold in Capitalis. However, their current ownership was divided. While Fairy Meadow was an established brand, it had already reached the end of its journey. A situation like this was suitable for stable development but not for engaging in more conflicts.

“I’ll meet with Fairy Meadow and see how it goes. Regardless of the situation, as long as the new product launch is successful and Fairy Meadow’s sales take off, the pressure from the Pearson Family will be temporary,” Luna said as she prepared to go find Howard.

Abigail decided to enjoy the massager for a while and consider it a day of rest.

Sean sat on the couch in the Pearson Residence’s living room while sipping his tea. When Josh rushed over and saw the figure, he immediately questioned, “What are you doing here?”

“Mr. Pearson, you probably don’t know what your parents did, do you?” Sean put down his teacup, his face wearing a cold expression.

“If you have something to say, just spill it.” Josh had a big grudge against Sean now. Not for anything else but because Sean’s subordinate, Cameron, slapped Kelly at the hospital. After she returned, her face was swollen for days.

“Kelly was hit by my subordinate, but your parents caused trouble for Abigail and Luna. What’s the meaning of this?” Sean stood up and questioned Josh with a cold expression.

Josh could not help but furrow his brows. “My parents caused trouble for them?”

You can investigate if you don’t know, but don’t ask me Scan retorted with a cold expression


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