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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459 He Is Jealous of Another Man Buying Clothes for Her

“Anyway, I’m stressed as hell. It’s not a crime to go to Eastbay to relax, right?” Abigail countered casually.

“Okay, then. Have a great time. Don’t worry about things on my end.” Luna didn’t press further. She trusted Abigail completely.

Then, when Abigail heard Josh’s voice, she immediately hung up the call.

What a disaster!

At the airport in Eastbay, Abigail spotted Ronaldo from a distance.

The weather in Eastbay was quite hot in March. As compared to Capitalis’ weather, she felt it was very different-one was summer, and the other was winter.

Abigail had a white knee-length down jacket slung over her arm, and she was wearing a red dress. She approached Ronaldo and said, “It’s so hot here. It’s only March, yet why does it feel like summer?”

“You arrived at an inconvenient time. The temperature has been hovering around the eighties these past few days, but it will drop to the sixties next week,” Ronaldo said with a smile as he fanned Abigail.

“I won’t be staying next week. Let’s go to the hotel first. I need to take a shower,” Abigail said to him.

Ronaldo nodded and fanned her as they walked. “You only brought a backpack. Do you have any spare clothes with you? If not, I can have someone bring you some clothes.”

“Sure, thanks.” Abigail had only brought some undergarments. She thought the temperature wouldn’t be too high, so she didn’t pack any extra clothes. However, as soon as she got off the plane and was squeezed among people, her clothes were soaked with sweat.

“It’s fine, Ronaldo replied with a smile.

Once Abigail arrived at the hotel, Ronaldo planned to buy some clothes for her. However, as his car left the hotel, a car blocked him. This infuriated him, and when he got out of the car, he slammed the door and cursed at the car blocking his way. “Are you an idiot? Do you know how much my car costs? How dare you hit it!” However, when the car window rolled down and revealed Sean, Ronaldo shuddered and said nothing. Nevertheless, he was still quite angry. “Why did you suddenly crash into me?” He didn’t

expect Sean to be at Eastbay while driving such an ordinary car. Initially, he thought it was some fool trying to make money out of him.

“Where are you going?” Sean asked with a cold expression.

Ronaldo huffed and replied, “Why should I tell you? You followed me secretly and even tried to crash into my car. Do you know how much this car costs? Oh, wait, you can’t even buy this car now. You deliberately wanted to hurt my beloved car!”

Sean found Ronaldo incredibly noisy and decided to step on the accelerator.

Ronaldo yelped as he saw his precious sports car nearly getting hit by the cheap Volkswagen. “Oh, my goodness! Don’t crash into it! If you damage my car, I’ll have to report you to Ms. Quinn for bullying my


Answer my question, or your car will turn into scrap retal Sean threatened coldly

Ronaldo had invested a considerable amount of

in modifying his sports can It wasn’t just about the



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