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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 526

Chapter 526 Let A Woman Do The Job

Eve presented the application L.Moon, Fairy Meadow, and Leap had collaborated on. She introduced the basic functions of the application on the screen.

“Well, I’m just the spokesperson of Fairy Meadow. After downloading the application, everyone can create their own virtual avatar and make it their spokesperson. Loveme supports Al technology, so your avatar can learn more about you step by step.”

Next, she introduced the realistic skin of the avatar and the function of trying on clothes. Most importantly, when the user wasn’t using the application, the avatar would go shopping on its own and try on shirts according to the user’s preference.

The clothes would automatically disappear after three days.

The virtual avatars lived their own lives. When users were away, they could read about their avatar’s experiences in the diary.

As Eve finished the introduction, she waved goodbye to the audience. “That’s all I want to tell you. I’m going back to gaming. By the way, there’s a new game I’m crazy about lately…”

She was referring to a dress-up game Leap and Abigail had created together last year.

The audience in the live room found her timing for advertising amusing.

“That’s impressive. Only Leap would have the courage to collaborate with a fashion brand. Eve is cute too! I’m so fond of her! She’s basically the daughter of Alana and Luna. Help! How could I not ship them?”

“They’ll always be the OTP of all times. By the way, the application sounds interesting. I’m already hooked after watching the video. It’s supposed to be a shopping application, but it’s too perfect!”

‘Eve. That’s a good name. Eve is the first woman ever created by God. This is the origin of humankind. Even though she’s not real, I’m touched by their efforts.

As the video ended, the technical director of Leap took the microphone to speak. “The application aims to serve users who have trouble buying clothes online. The avatar is fully customizable. You can even fill in information about your body hair. The body data is quite specific.”

The man ended his speech enthusiastically. “Of course, if any shoe brand is willing to cooperate with us in the future, we’ll introduce a new function where the avatar can try on shoes.”

His words were mind-blowing.




After him, Howard, the representative of Fairy Meadow, spoke up. “Fairy Meadow will be the first fashion brand to work with Loveme. Our goal is to serve our consumers and help them find the most suitable outfits under our brand. From today on, every user who orders goods. on Loveme will enjoy a 20% discount on every purchase. The offer lasts for six months!”

The audience applauded.

Next, L.Moon demonstrated the usage of the application.

Abigail rose to her feet and bashfully unlocked her phone. Then, she shared her phone screen by connecting it to the projector. Her virtual avatar appeared on the screen.


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