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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 589

Abigail knew Josh was mad that she didn't accept them as family. Abigail was surprised that Josh was mad at her. Has he been mad at Kelly like that before? Just because I refused to accept them, he gets mad at me? Abigail thought it was amusing, but she didn't care.

Lawrence and Scarlett came to the hospital in the afternoon, bringing tons of supplements. Abigail guessed that Josh must have told them about it, but she didn't mind that they came to see Analise.

Lawrence put the supplements down. Concerned, he asked Abigail, "What's wrong with Analise?"

Abigail looked at Analise. She answered, "Diabetes."

Scarlett asked, "Is it under control? She has to take regular insulin doses."

"It's always been under control. I'm happy you came to see me." Analise smiled.

Lawrence quickly took a strawberry out of the bag, smiling at Analise. "I got you some strawberries, Analise. I'll ask the doctor if your blood sugar levels are fine. If you can have some strawberries, I'll wash them for you."

Analise nodded. "Thanks. I've never had strawberries after I fell sick as I don't want to cause my blood sugar levels to spike."

"I'll ask the doctor. Scarlett, make some tea for Analise." Lawrence quickly went away.

Scarlett boiled some water, chatting with Analise. "This tea can help you stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep them under control. You should drink more if you can. It's a really nice tea."

Analise smiled. "Thank you. Oh, but you're also a patient too. You shouldn't be taking care of me."

"I'm fine. I can be discharged if I don't get stuck in a rut all the time." Scarlett glanced at Abigail. "Abby's a busy girl, so we should help her whenever possible."

Analise sighed. "Yeah. You have to have family by your side."

Scarlett knew Analise was a smart woman. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, Analise didn't berate them, or anything, and Scarlett was thankful for that.

Lawrence came back after Scarlett was done making tea. "The doctor said your blood sugar levels are fine, so you can have some strawberries, but you can't keep worrying about things," said Lawrence seriously, holding the medical records.

"Well, people my age will worry about something. There's always something." Analise was a little sheepish.

Scarlett handed her the hot tea. "Here, this will warm you up."


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