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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 613

Lily bit her lip as tears welled up in her eyes. Meanwhile, Abigail picked up a glass of milk and took a sip, thinking, Drama first thing in the morning. This is interesting.

Looking at Lily, Patricia said, "Lily, speak up. Your father just asked you a question."

"I was scammed because I didn't think that he would use a fake picture and a voice changer. How would I know that he's a scammer?" she wailed with reddened eyes, and Abigail couldn't stop herself from smirking.

Next to them, Lynette added fuel to the fire by saying to Patricia, "I'm telling you, everyone tried to advise her at that time, but she refused to listen. We told her that he edited the picture and there wasn't such a good-looking man in this world. Still, she didn't believe us and spent thousands on his gaming. In total, she was scammed of close to 600 thousand!"

Vincent was so mad that he almost blew a gasket. "You're so dumb! Is your brain not functioning once you see a handsome man? Didn't you learn your lesson after you were almost lured into a syndicate the last time you messed around abroad?"

"I realize my mistake now," Lily mumbled in a low voice, embarrassed that the person she liked was witnessing something like this.

Upon seeing how Vincent reacted, Sean thought, It is not surprising that his daughter is dumb and mean since they share the same blood.

Lynette went to Abigail and whispered, "She was also acting like the queen in the game, and that scammer was her closest confidante with a group of people backing her. She was giving them money to spend. How crazy is that?"

Sipping her milk, Abigail said, "She's playing harder than her parents."

"Me and my girlfriends were hiding in her group in the game, watching her make a fool of herself in silence. We almost passed out laughing at her!" Lynette was laughing so much that she couldn't close her mouth for even a second.

"Lynette Pearson, shut your mouth!" The way she laughed almost drove Lily to burst out in tears from anger.

"Well, you're the pretentious one who's such a show-off at the same time. Back when I invited you to play, you said that a commoner like me isn't fit to play with you without gears worth a few hundred. Cut it off with your annoying ways. Since you like to be so pretentious in the game, go ahead and do it until you ruin yourself!" Lynette snapped contemptuously.

"That's enough. Eat your breakfast! After this, you're going to the police station with me to file a report, Lily. Why didn't you make a report after getting scammed?" At that moment, Patricia felt a deep sense of embarrassment. Although she disliked Abigail, among her grandchildren, Abigail was the woman with the highest achievement besides the men.

"Grandma, she can't get the money back even if she makes a police report. I've asked about it and found out that scams of this scale are from foreign forces!" Lynette, being the chatterbox that she was, chirped in.

Raising her brows, Abigail turned to Vincent. "Didn't that money return to somebody's pockets?"

"You better watch your words when you don't have any proof," Vincent commented coldly.


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