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Adorable Baby Arrives: Kidnap a Daddy to Send Mommy novel Chapter 114

Xia Xingcheng had no idea of the Xia family's intentions, and after recovering at home for a few days after her injury, her leg finally got better, and then she went out to work.
Chen's mother was a little worried about Xia Xingcheng's health and intended to let her rest at home for a few days, but she refused.
What a joke, she is one of those people who can't stay idle at all, if she is allowed to stay for a few more days, I am afraid she will break down and go crazy.
And recently Gu Xingxi popularity is good, the casting of "Crossing 2", has also been a hot topic of discussion above the microblogging.
This allowed Gu Xingxi's Weibo followers to quickly surpass one million or more.
Seeing such a good effect, Xia Xingcheng decided to take advantage of the heat in a fire, and posted Gu Xingxi's small video as a benefit for fans.
Sure enough, just after posting not long, a number of fans began to leave comments at the bottom.
Gu Xingxi lived up to the expectations, simply too handsome there, I do not care I want to lick the screen!
Yes, yes, the little brother is Long Tianxing really deserves it, love him to death.
Looking forward to the future fire brother Gu, I am the first to support.
Xia Xingcheng read the top messages on Weibo, picked a few replies at random, counting them as interactions, and then ignored them.
After all, she has a lot more on her plate, and it's not a long-term solution to keep building momentum on top of Twitter.
Xia Xingcheng was about to go to work on something else when an unfamiliar phone call came in, Xia Xingcheng answered it suspiciously and froze at the sound of the voice, Jiang Chengyao?
"Miss Xia, I'm at the entrance of the company to deliver your dress." Jiang Chengyao's voice on the other side of the phone was still like jade, and he said gently.
Xia Xingcheng was flabbergasted for a moment and immediately brushed it off, "Just let the assistant send it, why bother you to send it personally."
Thinking for a moment, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but say, "In this way, you wait for me, I'll go down and get it."
After all, Jiang Chengyao's identity makes it still inconvenient for him to come up, and there is no guarantee that he will be recognized.
The voice on the other side of the phone seemed to carry a light laugh: "No, I'm already in, and I must give it to you personally."
The words just finished, Xia Xingcheng heard a knock on the office door, looked up and was surprised for a moment, never thought Jiang Chengyao had really arrived at the office.
She was just thinking, Jiang Chengyao such a big shot, come in other entertainment companies, must not cause a sensation ah, but fortunately he was alert to change a courier boy dress, to hide the eyes and ears.
Seeing Jiang Chengyao in this costume, Xia Xingcheng felt that it was quite funny and could not help but tease him, "You are really an actor, you make it quite realistic."
While saying that Xia Xingcheng gestured for Jiang Cheng Yao to sit down and poured him a glass of water.
"That is, over to see the beauty, of course I have to prepare properly, this dress or I specially tube courier boy to ask for, as fake."
The fact that Jiang Cheng Yao's calm response is quite admirable to Xia Xingcheng, there is not a bit of star stand.
So the two of them quickly chatted away.
Not long after, the little assistant and Gu Xingxi came in, seeing Jiang Chengyao, the little assistant suddenly opened her mouth wide in surprise and almost screamed out, fortunately Xia Xingcheng hastily put her mouth shut.
Signaling Gu Xingxi to hurry up and close the door, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but give Ruan Meng a slightly reproachful look, "Keep your voice down, do you have to make everyone else come over?"
If someone does come and see Jiang Chengyao, a hundred mouths will be unable to explain how the two of them are going to explain, and it will affect Jiang Chengyao's career.
Ruan Meng nodded at once and knew that he had just lost his temper, and could not help but ask in a small voice: "Why is Jiang Da Shen here, ah, too difficult, right?"
Now there are many people, Xia Xingcheng does not want to explain too much with Ruan Meng, only lightly said: "Because of a little matter he came over."
The little assistant nodded, seeing that Jiang Chengyao has always been gentle and mild attitude also, can not help but cautiously looked at him: "That, Jiang Da Shen, I have always watched you play, always like you, you can give me an autograph for a photo?"
Ruan Meng said nervous, but saw that Jiang Cheng Yao had been very friendly and agreed to Ruan Meng's request.
Gu Xingxi also gave a polite greeting on the side: "Senior Jiang, please give more guidance to Du in the future."
But although he said so, but the whole person really looks very restrained.
Jiang Chengyao saw Gu Xingxi's nervousness and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging, "Xingxi, I think highly of you, I heard you're going to do "Crossing 2", work hard, I think highly of you."
Faced with Jiang Chengyao's sincere encouragement, Gu Xingxi finally had an expression on his face and smiled in a rare moment.
"Good, I will remember Elder Jiang's words, thank you." Gu Xingxi was humbly taught.
A few people chatted for a few minutes and finally it was almost time for Jiang Cheng Yao to leave.
When Jiang Chengyao went out, he happened to let Zhou Daiwei and Song Yang bump into each other. Zhou Daiwei froze for a moment and couldn't help but take an extra look.
The side of the Song Yang see Zhou David that look, can not help but rather with a coarse meaning said: "What, now look at the courier boy are so feel, that eyes are eager to paste up."
David Zhou awkwardly withdrew his eyes this time and gave Song Yang a warning glance, while he couldn't help but think in his heart that the man seemed a little familiar.
But then he put the matter behind him, it should be his own misreading.
After all, Jiang Chengyao will not be a courier dress.
After Jiang Chengyao left the small assistant Ruan Meng immediately smelled a breath of gossip, chasing after Xia Xingcheng asked: "Sister Xing, just that really is the god Jiang himself? How I feel everything is like a dream, simply too handsome. "
"Sister Star, how did you meet, tell me quickly?"
Seeing Ruan Meng, this little girl really has the stance of breaking the sand pot and asking to the end, Xia Xingcheng is also quite helpless, simply said: "We met at an investor party."
Seeing Ruan Meng staring at herself with a disbelieving expression, Xia Xingcheng pretended to be angry and gave her a glance, saying seriously, "Okay, hurry up and collect yourself, you'll have to get busy next."
The young assistant then jawed and nodded gently down, only the flickering eyes still seemed puzzled.
After all, it is really too difficult to get to know such a god-like figure as Jiang Chengyao.


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