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Adorable Baby Arrives: Kidnap a Daddy to Send Mommy novel Chapter 205

Not used in the past, the assistant felt that Jiang Cheng Yao today seems to be extraordinarily silent, as if there is something on his mind, hesitated for a moment, but the assistant finally did not say anything.
The assistant guessed that Jiang Chengyao Xu had not been relieved because of that incident a few days ago, after all, was so wronged, if it were him, I'm afraid it would be straight to jump into the river to kill himself.
This side of Jiang Chengyao has been looking out the car window and do not know what is thinking, even the assistant began to be slightly puzzled, because rarely can see him show such a serious look.
Not long after, Jiang Chengyao took out his phone as if he had already made a great decision.
He dialed the number of the person he had been saving but hadn't actively sought out.
The person on the other side of the phone quickly got through and the person seemed surprised and said, "Mr. Jiang, you're looking for me?"
Jiang Chengyao gave a faint umph and said directly to the point: "Lawyer Liu, help me sort out the title of my land in the east of the city, and then send it to me tomorrow."
Liu Wei was even more surprised now and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Jiang, that land you are planning to sell, you have already thought about it?"
You know, at first how many people wanted to buy that land, Jiang Cheng Yao is not at all loose, this time even agreed?
Lawyer Liu's heart could not help but gradually become somewhat curious as to who was able to impress Jiang Chengyao?
When he was in a daze, he heard Jiang Chengyao continue, "Yes, lawyer Liu, I've already considered it, so I'd like you to organize the title and bring me the closing procedures."
Lawyer Liu on the other side of the phone hurriedly responded, "Okay Mr. Jiang, I'll get right on it."
After saying that he level hurriedly hung up the phone, even that pressed in the heart of the question did not dare to ask.
He understands Jiang Chengyao's temper, although on the surface looks gentle as jade, but in fact, as long as he has decided things, is completely do not want others to interfere.
After hanging up the phone, the assistant who had been driving in front of him couldn't help but look surprised and asked with some uncertainty, "Mr. Jiang, you said you really want to sell that piece of land?"
Seeing Jiang Chengyao nod his head in denial, the assistant's face became even more surprised, and there was something else that confused him.
The assistant couldn't help but sigh, "But that piece of land, someone offered 300 million before but didn't sell the land, why are you thinking of selling him again?"
Others don't know, but he, the assistant, knows that the land is of great significance to Jiang Chengyao, and Jiang Chengyao has never played with the idea of the land even when he met with difficult things.
But now what made Jiang change his mind?
Jiang Chengyao cast his eyes out the window to the ten thousand lights, all with a soft glow in his eyes, and finally only heard him say softly, "It's worth it to return the kindness of a man who saved his life."
This time, the assistant did not speak on the side, suddenly some understanding of Jiang's meaning.
Jiang said, is probably Xia Xingcheng woman, but she is a woman's home to buy such a large land to do?
Seeing that Jiang Chengyao does not want to say much, the assistant also pursed his lips on the side, frozen in fascination at his master's tilted side face.
This time Ruan Meng drunk has not been signs of sobriety, Gu Xingxi originally intended to send Ruan Meng home alone, so as not to Xia Xingcheng to be too hard.
But Gu Xingxi also drank, Xia Xingcheng is still a little worried, and finally chose to personally send these two people back.
When Xia Xingcheng sent Ruan Meng and Gu Xingxi back to their respective residences, they were already tossing and turning until very late.
When he returned to the Golden Palace of the Imperial Court, Xia Xingcheng somehow suddenly glanced at the time with some weakness.
When I saw that the hand was already pointing to 10, Xia Xingcheng's heart panicked for no reason.
It's so late, will Sheng Yeting find himself back at this time? Or did he not come back either, after all, he works overtime is also a common thing.
The villa's dark front door is a place where the heart of Xia Xingcheng hangs in the air, but even she didn't notice it.
She is, at this time, surprisingly concerned about Sheng Yeting's thoughts.
At this time the night is already late, almost all of the subordinates outside the villa have gone to rest, only a gatekeeper after seeing Xia Xingcheng was about to shout a young lady, but she hurriedly reached out to stop.
Xia Xingcheng was startled for a moment, but in a good way did not make any sound, can not help but let out a long breath, slowly into the room inside.
Sheng Yeting had given her a key, so she gently opened the door, and when she saw that there was only a faint light in the living room, and no one else, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, Sheng Yeting is not here, I think he should not find himself back so late.
So thinking, Xia Xingcheng's courage can't help but get bigger, standing up and going upstairs in a big way.
After arriving upstairs, Xia Xingcheng's defensiveness was long gone at all.
Upstairs is also quiet and there is no one, Xia Xingcheng knows that Xiaobo should be sleeping with Chen's mother at this time, so it is not very worried.
As for Sheng Yeting ......
The eyes secretly glance to the study location, in the past at this time Sheng Yeting will not rest, will be in the study inside.
But today is a bit strange, there is no light reflected inside the study, obviously no one.
The first thing that I want to do is to go back to my room, take a shower and have a good rest.
When she opened the door to her room, Xia Xingcheng was surprised to find that her room was not locked. Before she had time to think about it, she looked up and saw someone leaning on the sofa, looking at her indifferently.
Xia Xingcheng was startled and hurriedly covered her chest and pointed at Sheng Yeting in surprise: "You, how are you here."
Isn't this supposed to be her room, how did Sheng Yeting barge in!
The person who broke into the house was not at all aware of it, and after glancing coldly at Xia Xingcheng, he even gave a cold hum.
"Now that you've given up and come back, I thought you weren't going to come back tonight." Sheng Yeting's voice was already full of impatience inside.
Xia Xingcheng was slightly stunned, her face flashed with embarrassment and she hurriedly explained, "That, I went to have a meal with Jiang Cheng Yao and the others, I didn't do anything else."
The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.
Sheng Yeting will Xia Xingcheng all the expression in the bottom of the eyes, the eyes of that dark current not only a little deeper, sitting there without saying a word.


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