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Adoration At Night and Forever novel Chapter 38

"I'm talking to you!" Without any fear of death, Christine replied, her pure eyes full of cunning light.

"What?" Darren squinted his eyes dangerously and said coldly, which scared the little woman to say anything immediately.

"Come on! I just don't know the address of the home. So when I came out of the crew at noon, I had to go back to school and was trapped in the library the whole afternoon."

Christine pretended to be pitiful, hoping that some narrow-minded man could be kind enough not to vent his anger.

"Come down." Darren had roughly understood what Christine said, but the result was not as good as she thought. Instead, he coldly ordered Christine.

"Okay!" Knowing that Darren must be outside the school gate, Christine stood up from her seat and ran towards the elevator.

As soon as she ran out of the library, her sight was taken away by a handsome man.

In the starlight, wearing a black handmade suit, Darren leaned against the door of a luxury limited edition sports car, waiting for his little wife arrogantly.

"How did you get in here, Darren? I love you so much!" Christine ran to Darren excitedly and threw herself into his arms. She didn't realize how stupid she was!

Alright! Simple as Christine was, she only thought that Darren was waiting for her at the school gate! She didn't expect her husband to drive the car directly into the front of library! He was so domineering!

Without being noticed, Darren glanced around and pulled Christine out of his arms.

It was really a horrible thing to let a proud man like him be hugged by a woman in public.

Realizing her gaffe, Christine stuck out her tongue naughtily and followed Darren into the car happily.

A second ago, when Christine confessed her love to Darren boldly, she was so scared that she didn't dare to look at him anymore.

"Why didn't you call me at noon?" Darren cast a glance at Christine, and his handsome face was gloomy and frightening.

Knowing that she was in the wrong, she didn't dare to argue anymore. She could only defend herself, "I'm afraid of disturbing you."

"Aren't you disturbing me now?" Somehow, Darren wanted to beat her up. God knew how worried he was when he couldn't find her at home.

This heartless woman even fell asleep in the library. How leisurely she was! But had she ever thought of him?

"Well, I..." With a guilty conscience, she lowered her head and snapped her fingers. Now she was really unable to defend herself. She felt that what she said was not right.

Alright, her husband was handsome. He was always right!

When Darren came back home, he didn't see Christine. He had been very angry at first, but when he saw that the little woman was like a good baby, all his anger was gone.

"Give me your phone." Darren didn't know what had happened to him recently. If anything happened to this woman, she would always inadvertently affect his emotions.

Chapter 38 Chatting, Out Of Control 1

Chapter 38 Chatting, Out Of Control 2


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