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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 274

Daniel pulled Janet into his arms, not letting her take care of Caspar any longer.

Yesterday, he was so distressed and angry the moment he saw Janet looking tired in the hotel.

Except for the time they spent in bed, he would never want to see her tired.

'Just so you know, I won't ever let her suffer again!'

The both of them carefully pondered his words.

Janet felt happy hearing those words come out of Daniel's mouth, while Caspar simply felt guilty.

He admitted that he was very glad to see Janet upon waking up. However, he indeed forgot to notice the fact that she was exhausted after taking care of him.

They kept silent in the room. After a couple of minutes, Daniel spoke again, "I'll remember all you have done for Janet. If you need any help in the future, just let me know. I'll try my best to help you in return."

Caspar felt even more uncomfortable with what Daniel said. He realized that Daniel said those as Janet's husband.

'He doesn't deserve to be Janet's husband!'

Leaning back against the headboard, Caspar sneered, stared at Daniel, and said, "Mr. Si, I really want you to do me a favor!"

With an expressionless face, Daniel said, "Go ahead!"

He took a defiant glance at him and spoke, "I want you to stay away from Janet from now on because I only want her!"

Daniel immediately gave him a long, cold stare and Janet, who stayed by Daniel's side, felt so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say at this moment.

Daniel took a step forward.

When she remembered that Caspar and Daniel had fought with each other last time, Janet immediately grabbed Daniel's arm, trying to stop him from starting a fight.

When Daniel looked at the nervous expression on Janet's face, he smiled and comforted her, "It will be all right."

He also patted her on the hand.

After she heard him, Janet felt relieved. She was worried about Caspar and his injury. If the two men fought with each other, Daniel would definitely have the upper hand.

Daniel took a quick look at Croft who stood by and said, "Mr. Croft, excuse us. Mr. Caspar and I have something personal to deal with."

Croft understood what he meant, so he nodded and said, "Janet, I will stay outside to smoke a cigarette. When you're about to leave, call me."

"Okay, " replied Janet. She began to ponder what matter Daniel and Caspar had to deal with.

After Croft left the room, Daniel stood in front of Caspar's bed with his hands in his pockets. He looked down at Caspar who was lying in bed.

Caspar was the only child of the wealthy Qiao family. When he grew up, he had become a respected leader and general manager of his company. Except for Daniel, no one dared to look at him this way.

With a content gleam in his eyes, Daniel flatly asked, "Do you know why Janet and I got back together?"

Caspar, of course, knew the reason. He knew better than anyone that Janet loved Daniel.

He also believed that they would make up sooner or later, so he kept quiet.

Standing behind Daniel, Janet felt confused and looked at his back, wondering what he was going to say.

After Daniel put his hands out of his pockets and adjusted his tie, he spoke, "Because I knelt down in front of her and begged her to reconcile with me."


Janet was stunned by his words and wondered what he meant because he didn't do that sort of thing at all.

Caspar doubted whether this arrogant man really knelt down in front of a woman.

Daniel continued, "I knelt down in bed to please her!" These words astonished both Janet and Caspar.

Alas! He thought he had done what he could to satisfy Janet.

Janet was confused by his words and had to spend a couple of minutes thinking it over, but Caspar, as a man, immediately understood what Daniel meant.

He was so furious that he started to cough violently.

When she finally realized what he meant, Janet blushed, but when she saw Caspar cough violently, she pinched Daniel and then went to get some water for Caspar.


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