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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 302

"This is all my fault. Just leave it to me, Jane. I promise, if I ever put you in danger again, I will..." Janet flung her hands hastily over his mouth before he finished talking.

She sobbed and shook her head, her watery eyes glittering in the dark.

"No. It's not like that. It's not your fault. I know you and my father were both looking for me. I knew, but... I just didn't want to be found..." She once met someone talking about the poster with her picture on the streets. But she chose not to come back. So she knew she didn't have any right to complain. Everything she had suffered through was all because of her.

"No, it was my fault. You wouldn't have left in the first place if I hadn't upset you." He gently wiped her tears off her face. Seeing her cry like this tore his heart apart.

She gave him an adorable daughter. Daniel was willing to love and protect her all his life because she had gone through so much just to be with him.

Janet shook her head again, "Things wouldn't have come to this if I had believed you, and I mean it. It's not your fault. In fact, I'm actually grateful for you."

She wanted to thank him for giving her the Tianye Bead, otherwise Caspar wouldn't have taken her under his care.

It was because of the Tianye Bead that she was able to stay with the Qiao clan. They were generous enough to provide a home for her and her daughters.

Casper treated her daughters with utmost care that he made sure they had everything they needed. But there was one thing that he could never give them - the love of a father.

"No, I should have been more careful, " Daniel insisted.

Poe wouldn't have had the chance to create a scandal if he hadn't been careless.

They stared at each other and... both of them suddenly burst into laughter. They had completely forgotten why they were apologizing. Instead, they were taking turns blaming themselves.

Tears were welling up in Janet's eyes again. She threw her arms around Daniel's neck and pressed her face against his chest. She took a deep breath and said, "Daniel, I want to be with you forever."

She couldn't imagine how gloomy her life would be without her family, without him. She couldn't even dare think of it.

She wanted to be his one and only for the rest of their lives.

"I promise you, Janet. You have always been, and you will always be, my one true love." He gave her his word.

Janet couldn't help crying out loud in his arms. She felt so relieved after telling him everything.

And his promise moved Janet to tears.

"There, there. Stop crying. Everything is going to be okay." Stroking her back softly, he kissed her eyes and whispered in her ears. With the love of his life in his arms, he was filled with happiness right this very moment. His joy was overflowing that he felt his heart about to explode.

Janet sobbed quietly until she gradually fell asleep in his arms.

The night fell quiet. Daniel could hear her relaxed breathing.

Daniel gently carried her to the bed, tucked her in, and adjusted the temperature of the AC before leaving the room.

Only after he went back to his office and turned on the light did he notice the water stains on his shirt.

But he had more important things to do than to change his clothes.

He had to find out who took Janet captive and where they trained her, so he could plot out his revenge.

He was going to find the culprit. He would do everything he could to find them and make them suffer. Whatever they made Janet go through, he would make sure that they received the same punishment. No matter what it took, he would make them pay ten times, or even a thousand times over.

Having made up his mind, he called Spark in.

"Mr. Si?" Spark knocked three times on the door before stepping inside. He looked around, but failed to find Janet.

He wanted to ask her about something.

"How is the investigation going with the Z Country matter?" asked Daniel while scanning through his phone's contacts. He needed more people to look into what happened to Janet.

Spark knew he was talking about Tiger. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number of their investigators in Z Country.


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