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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 103

Right then, Natalie appeared no different from before. Nonetheless, I knew that she was merely putting on a brave front, concealing the anguish within her.

“That’s right! You’re stunningly beautiful with tons of suitors pursuing you, so anyone you choose will be far better than that scumbag!”

Sitting down beside her, I draped an arm over her neck and echoed her sentiments. I knew that she was now gradually getting over her breakup.

Well, it’s a good thing that I’ve ended things with Michael. I can keep her company throughout this period with peace of mind without worrying about her all the time.

After staying the night at her house, I again bumped into Michael when I went to the office the next day. I thought he would at least greet me, but he ignored me entirely without even sparing me a glance.

At that, I frowned slightly. As I watched him head to the office, a sliver of disappointment slithered into me.

When I had settled myself at my table, my gaze kept returning to Michael’s office. Chagrin swamped me. What exactly does he take me for? Even if we no longer have anything to do with each other, our relationship is still that of a superior and subordinate in the office, so there’s nothing wrong with greeting me, is there?

Millie, who sat across from me, seemed to have noticed my preoccupied state. She rapped on my table with curiosity etched on her face. “Anna, did you notice that Mr. Shaw has been in a foul mood ever since yesterday noon?”

Her comment struck panic in me. Don’t tell me she has discovered something?

“Has he been in a foul mood?” I asked mildly, feigning a nonchalant chuckle.

“Didn’t you notice that he has been wearing a grim expression ever since yesterday noon? Besides, he rejected several proposals from the design department and reprimanded them all severely,” Millie murmured with a nosy look on her face after cautiously casting a glance at Michael’s office.

Hearing that, I couldn’t help wondering whether those changes in him had something to do with me. After all, it was yesterday noon that I told him of my decision.

“Perhaps he encountered a snag in his work. As you know, he’s now aiming to monopolize the advertising industry. While it’s not impossible, it won’t be a bed of roses either,” I replied in an awkward tone.

My gaze became all the more flustered as I was now certain that Michael’s foul mood definitely had something to do with me. At that moment, I couldn’t quite tell my feelings exactly.

“Who knows? Anyway, we’ve got to be careful since he’s in a foul mood these days.”

Flinching slightly, Millie again stole a peek at Michael’s office. Then, she lowered her head and started on her work.

Her words earlier plunged me into turmoil. I couldn’t quite tell my exact emotions right then, but it felt as though I was inexplicably happy upon learning that Michael was in a foul mood because of me.

After a final glance at his office, I buried my head in my work. But while I was glancing through documents, he occupied all the space in my mind. At some point in time, he had actually wielded such great power over me.

“Anna Garcia, I want to see you in my office!”

A terse and frosty voice pierced the air while I was lost in thoughts; it was Michael.

He stood by his office, his cold gaze pinned on me.

In a flash, I snapped back to reality. When I locked gazes with his profound eyes that resembled whirlpools, my heart pounded wildly. Don’t tell me he’s raking up old grievances with me, settling the score for what happened yesterday?


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