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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 105

That was the second time Michael had mentioned me resigning. Could it be that his motive is to goad me into resigning?

I tried my best to hold back my tears. I didn’t continue arguing with him but concentrated on composing myself. After a long while, I finally managed to sound calmer.

“I understand. I’ll continue amending according to your wishes until you’re satisfied with it.”

If that was his grand plan of forcing me to resign, I would never capitulate. No matter how difficult he made things for me, I would definitely do my best to fulfill his requests.

Perhaps my answer pleased him, for he merely threw me a glance without saying anything further.

“I’ll be leaving if there’s nothing else, Mr. Shaw.”

Not wanting to see him for even a second longer, I made to leave after saying that. Alas, my cell phone rang at that precise moment.

When I saw that it was a call from Yuval, I instantly panicked upon remembering that Michael was still by my side then.

Michael’s cold gaze remained locked on me. He was a shrewd person, so he probably knew whose call it was at the expression on my face. I was utterly conflicted, torn between answering the call and otherwise.

In actual fact, I didn’t want him to know that I had officially gotten together with Yuval. But recalling his hurtful words to me just now, I inwardly mused, Why should I care about his feelings when he doesn’t care about me at all? So what if I’m dating Yuval? I no longer have anything to do with him now.

At that thought, I answered the call.


My address of Yuval had become much more intimate after we made our relationship official. However, the reason I addressed him in such a manner right then was simply to gauge Michael’s reaction. I wanted to know what exactly I was to him.

“Are you at home now, Anna? I have a gathering with some friends tonight, so I’d like to bring you along and introduce you to them.”

Yuval’s gentle voice drifted out of the other end of the phone. A trace of aversion welled within me upon hearing that he wanted me to meet his friends.

I felt that we weren’t so close that we were at the stage of meeting each other’s friends. Personally, I didn’t want to take things so quickly.

“Um… I’m moving back into Natalie’s place today, so I’ve got to relocate some things. As such, I might not be able to make it tonight. I’ll take a rain check, okay?”

I initially wanted to agree since Michael was right in front of me, but for some inexplicable reason, I demurred.

Fortunately, I truly had some things to settle that night. My things were still at Michael’s house, so I naturally had to move my things out now that things had ended between us. As for the money I owed him, I would be paying him back slowly.

After my demurral, Yuval was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone before saying, “It’s okay. How about I help you move your things today? I’m more suited to do the heavy lifting.”

He was an exceedingly considerate man. In fact, it was probably every woman’s dream to have such a gentle and attentive man who would make the ideal husband.

However, my things were still at Michael’s house, so I couldn’t possibly allow him to tag along. I had tactfully told him about my relationship with Michael yesterday, after all. Hence, he would definitely feel unsettled to collect my things from Michael’s place even if he didn’t say anything.


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