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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 124

In the end, I did not utter a single word, and both of us went back to Natalie’s house without saying a word.

Natalie approached us as soon as we entered the door, and she smiled when she saw that I had returned with Yuval. But her smile froze on her face the moment she saw the clothes that I was wearing.

I was wearing the shirt that Michael had worn yesterday. Natalie was bound to remember that because Michael had always been the center of attention.

“You’re back, Anna.”

Natalie held my hand and her expression turned a little awkward.

“I’m back. Are you alright, Natalie? Does your face still hurt?”

Although one night had passed, Natalie’s face was still swollen and bruised. Even the corner of her mouth was swollen with traces of purple and blue.

It was despicable of John and that woman to do this to her.

“I’m fine, and I’m much better now. I’m sorry you got dragged into this mess. Your face wouldn’t be like this if it weren’t because of me. It’s all my fault, Anna.”

Then, Natalie gave me a hug and looked at me apologetically.

“It’s okay. We’re good friends, aren’t we? Friends stand by each other in time of need. I couldn’t just watch while you were being bullied.”

I didn’t feel that I’ve been wronged even though I was beaten up. That’s because it’s all for my best friend, Natalie.

“Hello, Mr. Lambert.”

Natalie glanced over my shoulder and gave a tight smile as she greeted Yuval.

“I called Anna a few times, but my calls went unanswered, so I came over to check in on her. It so happened that I ran into her downstairs when she came home.”

Yuval’s tone was impassive, and he was no longer smiling.

“I called you last night because…”

“Anna, why don’t you go take a bath and change into something else?”

I wanted to explain, but before I could finish speaking, I was interrupted by Yuval. He was still bothered by the clothes I was wearing, and he even asked me to take a bath. Am I that filthy to him?

But I could understand why he would think that way. Any man would be disgusted if their woman slept with another man.

It was just that I disliked the way Yuval was behaving now. I knew it was my fault, but I would rather he yelled at me than being emotionally abused by him.

“Yes, Anna. You’d better take a bath. You look terrible.”

Natalie knew me better than anyone else. She was aware that I was upset with Yuval, and before I did anything stupid, she quickly stood up and ushered me into the bathroom.

Once Natalie pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door, I eventually regained my composure. I kept telling myself to have a little patience. After all, Yuval had every right to be angry with me.


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