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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 137

“Mom, I’m sorry! I’m well aware that you’re upset, but Natalie isn’t trying to offend you either!”

Although I was still upset she had slapped me in the face, I knew she didn’t mean it. She was just worried about Steven and needed to take her frustration out on someone.

“Get the hell out of my sight at once! Don’t show up in front of me anymore in the future!”

Although she was relatively calm as compared to the moment I showed up in the ward, she insisted on chasing me out of the room.

“But Steven needs someone to look after him since he’s heavily injured. Mom, just let me stay behind to keep an eye on him.”

It felt awful to be chased away over and over again. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t bothered by her harsh remarks.

“No! I want you to scram, now! Also, you’ll be the one to settle the medical bills of your brother!”

No matter what I told her to defend myself, she refused to listen to me. She simply pushed me out of the ward with all her might before slamming the door shut in my face.

Staring at the tightly shut door, I felt a prickling sensation behind my eyes. Although I was aware that she was irked, the fact that she actually chased me out of the ward took me by surprise.

Natalie, who had been suppressing her wrath, approached me and grasped my hand before announcing in a gentle tone, “Anna, let’s just go home.”

However, I would never leave my family in times of emergencies. Hence, I asked Natalie, “Natalie, I wish to stay here to keep an eye on my brother, but Mom doesn’t want me anywhere near them! What should I do?”

“Your mom’s never going to let you back in. You need to stop wasting your time here. You’re only causing yourself more grief if you stay. Why don’t you listen to me and return home for the time being? Let your mom cool off for a bit and maybe she’ll reach out to you in a few days.”

Natalie glanced in the direction of the ward and let out a long sigh. Helplessness was written all over her face.

Since Natalie’s advice made sense, I stopped insisting and paid the attending physician a visit to find out Steven’s actual condition instead.

He told me that Steven’s condition was bad and he would require an immediate operation. However, the cost of the operation and the rehabilitation process that comes soon after would cost a fortune.

As I was as poor as a church rat, my heart sank to the bottom when I heard that. I couldn’t think of any way to gather the required sum within such a short span of time.

Nonetheless, I had to come up with something because I couldn’t afford to waste any time as Steven’s condition was at stake.

My mind was all over the place after we returned to Natalie’s place. I couldn’t think of anyone who would offer their help. Truth be told, they had all turned me down when I brought up the request before. Therefore, it was obvious it would end up the same.

In an attempt to figure out my next best course of action, I started pacing back and forth in the living room.

It was then I received a call from Yuval. I took a deep breath to calm myself before picking up the call.

Confused by the reason he had called, I asked, “Yuval, why are calling me in the middle of the night?”

“Anna, Natalie has told me everything you’re currently going through.”


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