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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 141

As much as I was against the idea, he was the only one I could rely on until Steven regained his ability to walk. Pursing my lips, I lost myself in a train of thoughts.

Michael broke the silence and repeated himself, “You need to make up your mind soon because you’re running out of time.”

I was certain I was about to get on his nerves for real after remaining silent for such a long time. I looked at him and asked in return, “Before I give you my answer, can you answer a query of mine first?”

Michael stood upright and asked with a straight face, “What is it?”

“Of all the women available, why me? Why have you chosen to stay in touch with me when you can get someone else for the role?”

Michael was surrounded by a bunch of exceptional women. More often than not, many of them would try to hit on him, but he had never once taken them seriously.

Truth be told, I was way more inferior to those exceptional women who tried to hit on him. Thus, I couldn’t figure out the reason why he would dismiss others without a second thought, and instead, chose to maintain a relationship with me.

Smirking while staring at me in the eyes, he remarked sarcastically, “Will you believe me if I tell you it’s just because of your amazing skills in bed?”

I felt a strong urge to throw the pillow I had with me in his direction when I heard his reply.

Has he no shame at all? Is sex all he ever thinks about?

Irked by his remarks, I shot daggers at him and asked, “Michael, can you take this seriously and tell me the truth?”

“What? Are you saying that I lied to you? I am serious and I have told you the truth,” he asserted in all seriousness.

I would have been deceived by him if it weren’t because I knew it was just one of his many attempts to pull my leg.

Since he has no intention to tell me the truth, I guess I’ll just have to leave it alone for the time being. After all, it’s not like I can force him to tell me. I can’t risk offending him as of now.

Once again, he urged me to make up my mind, “Anna, instead of bringing up irrelevant topics, why don’t you make up your mind now because my patience is running out.”

Staring at him in the eyes, I lost myself in another process of thoughts.

Coming to the conclusion that what he offered seemed to be the only viable option I had left, I announced, “It’s a deal, then.”

My mother had been holding a grudge against me ever since Steven was rushed to the hospital. She wouldn’t forgive me if anything were to happen to him. In contrast to my relationship with my parents, my dignity and honor were nothing.

I couldn’t stand my mother considering me as an outsider. Otherwise, my life would be worse than it already was.


Michael responded with a gleeful smirk and marched his way out of the room as soon as he put on his coat.

I was frustrated by his response. He made it seemed as though we weren’t affiliated apart from the time we spent in bed.

In the end, I cursed him over and over again in my mind to vent my frustration.

When I thought he had departed, he entered the room once again and announced, “Since you’re still not feeling well, just take it easy for the rest of the day and have a break.”


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