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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 176

“Michael, you psycho! Let go of me!”

I continued to hit him. Is he a dog? He bit down so hard. Now I’ve lost it too.

“Anna Garcia!”

He pushed himself up and hovered over me. The room temperature felt chilly from the coldness in his eyes.

There was a tinge of redness on his sexy lips, further enhancing his sensualness.

Despite his good looks, the wound on my neck occupied my thoughts. Is he a vampire? He broke my skin when he bit my neck hard. Does he need to be so harsh? Was he planning to suck my blood or what?

“Michael, don’t make me hate you!”

I stared intently into his eyes. Never had I felt such hatred for a person. Humiliation and anger poured through me as I laid there trapped under him.

I could feel his body froze at my exclamation.

“Did you say you hate me?” he breathed. He spoke softly, but I felt chills running down my spine.

“I will hate you more than anyone else in this world if you continue to force yourself on me.”

I was a strong, independent woman. I could endure any challenges or insults thrown at me, but rape was something I couldn’t bear. I couldn’t tolerate him stomping on my pride and shattering it.

He stared at me for a long while. When I thought he wasn’t going to let me go, he got off of me.

I glanced at him wryly. Because he usually wouldn’t let me off so easily.

“Don’t think I couldn’t do anything to you. It’s just that I don’t like to force women.”

He glared at me as he spitted those words.

I was terrified that he was going to hurt me because I could never understand his moods.

He stood and got dressed quickly, then left without even giving me a glance.

Soon, I heard the door slammed shut.

It’s so late in the night. Did he go looking for his girlfriend? He must’ve went to Anna’s to slake his needs.

I got more irritated by my train of thoughts, so I pulled the blanket over myself, hoping it could stop me from thinking about Michael.

In the next few days, Michael didn’t return to Birchwood nor did he go to the company. I wondered where he went.

I didn’t see him since that day he left. Even though I was aware that he wasn’t in his office, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at the closed door.

I must be out of my mind!

“Millie, Mr. Shaw hasn’t come in for two days. Do you know where he went?” I asked Millie, feeling restless.

“Mr. Shaw? Don’t you know?” Millie cast me a puzzled gaze and replied, “He’s on a business trip to Ustrana. I think he brought his girlfriend with him. Maybe they’ll go on vacation while they’re there,” answered Millie.

My heart sank, and anxiety started to consume me when I heard that Michael and Emma had gone overseas together.


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