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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 222

I shuddered as a surge of fear crept into my heart. Wrapping my arms tightly around Michael, I then murmured helplessly, “You’re the only person by my side now. The only one…” I feared that he would treat me just like how my parents did. I was in great fear—fearful of being given up by everyone else, just like my parents.

I could feel Michael’s body tremble upon hearing my words. Instantaneously, he embraced me tightly, sending ripples of warmth that seemed to ease the uneasiness in my heart.

“I will get this matter resolved.” Even if I was not sure what he was referring to, the firmness in his tone managed to calm me down in an instant. Apart from that, my confidence was boosted in a way.

With him beside me, I did not feel like I was abandoned and all alone.

Burying my face in Michael’s chest, I blurted out everything deep down in my heart all this while. “Michael, do you know that I have been leading a hectic life throughout these years? I’m both physically and emotionally exhausted. Apart from working hard every day, there seem to be endless issues at home for me to attend to. Life has been really stressful for me. I’m just yearning for a simple life that is less stressful. Is that considered wishful thinking that I shouldn’t have?”

I only had a simple wish. Apart from the love and care from my parents, I wished to lead a peaceful and happy life with my family. Nevertheless, it was like a dream which was impossible to be fulfilled.

“Anna, pull yourself together!” Michael furrowed his brows as he snapped at me. Besides empathy, there were flickers of rage in his eyes.

“Do you think I still have the right to ask for more?” I smiled bitterly. Even though it was just a simple wish, I could not even assure if it would become a reality. Thus, I always reminded myself not to build castles in the air.

“You’re worthy of something even better!” Michael commented domineeringly as he looked at me firmly.

At that, my heart skipped a beat. I was utterly touched at his words. After all, Natalie used to be the only one by my side all this while whenever I was down.

That night, I never let go of Michael as I cried my heart out to vent my anger and distress. Surprisingly, he was also unusually patient with me and did not push me away in exasperation. As my tears trickled down my cheeks profusely, I drifted off into sleep.

I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. Aside from that, I was feeling uncomfortable all over.

Massaging my temples, my mind was a complete blank. When I came to my senses again, I racked my brain, trying to recall what happened the previous night. But because I was probably too drunk, I could hardly remember anything.

“Well, well… You finally woke up. I thought you would sleep till this afternoon.” Michael’s mocking tone sounded abruptly from the side of the window.

I turned in the direction of his voice. To my surprise, he was standing in front of the window, gazing at me. As he had his back to the sunlight, I could not really make out his expression from his silhouette.

“W-Why are you still here? Are you not going to the office?” I looked at him and stammered sheepishly.

“Have you forgotten how drunk you were last night? You hugged me and cried for hours till midnight. As a result, my entire body is aching now. Yet, right now, you still have the heart to urge me to go to work?” He raised his brows and strode toward me.

I hugged him last night and cried for hours? Really?

I tried hard to recall what had actually happened the night before. Hmm… it seems that he’s right…


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