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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 227

I stopped smiling the moment I found out the only person I had in mind wasn’t the one at the doorstep.

Michael was the only person I wanted to meet. Nonetheless, I looked at Jackson in the eyes and asked, “What brings you here today?”

Only a limited few were aware we had been residing at that particular place. Therefore, I was shocked when Michael’s secretary showed up out of nowhere.

As we weren’t really acquainted with one another, Jackson answered my query with a courteous smile, “Mr. Garcia, Mr. Shaw has sent me here.”

I thought he has forgotten all about me, but that was never the case! He has sent his secretary over to check on me!

As thrilled as I might be, I kept my emotions to myself and asked in a calm and collected tone, “Why has he sent you?”

Since not many were made aware of our relationship, I thought it would be better to keep our relationship confidential from everyone, including Jackson.

When he heard my query, he handed me a check, “Mr. Shaw wants you to have this.”

Two million only.

I gaped at the amount involved and lost myself in the process of thought at the presence of the check.

Why has he asked his secretary to bring me a check? What exactly is he up to?

Seconds after I returned to my senses, I took a peek at the check and stuttered my question at Jackson, “W-What is he up to? W-Why has he sent you over to hand me a check?”

I couldn’t figure out the rationale behind Michael’s decision, but I had a bad feeling about it. In anticipation of Jackson’s upcoming reply, my mind was all over the place.

As much as I wanted to run away from the truth, it was only a matter of time until I had to brace myself through it all over again.

After a few seconds of silence, Jackson announced, “Mr. Shaw wishes to compensate you for your loss.”

Jackson might not be aware of the loss that was mentioned, but I was well aware that was the thing Michael and I once talked about.

Is this the sort of compensation he has been talking about? Is he trying to uphold his promise?

I had my eyes glued to the check with my pursed lips shivering and my heart wrenching.

Didn’t he turn me down when I insisted on leaving? Why has he changed his mind? Why has he sent his secretary to hand me a check?

I refused to accept the check as that would put an end to our relationship for real.

Jackson urged with a frown, “Ms. Garcia?”

I had no intention to reveal the things going on. Thus, I put on a strong front to deceive Jackson and answered while avoiding his gaze, “Mr. Goldstein, please send it back to him!”

On the other hand, Jackson seemed to have gotten used to it. It might not be his first time dealing with the aftermath of Michael’s messed-up relationship with others. He was able to remain a straight face until the moment I turned him down.


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