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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 238

I frowned in dissatisfaction when I felt Ronan’s coldness.

I initially wanted to say a few words in protest. However, because I felt dizzy, I held my tongue and closed my eyes to sleep.

The next day, I reluctantly opened my eyes because the sunlight caused discomfort to my eyes. I spent quite some time adapting myself to the brightness.

When I got up to change my clothes, I was surprised to find myself in my own room.

What happened? Didn’t I drink with Ronan and fall asleep by the river? Why am I at home now? What transpired?

Did Ronan bring me home?

But I thought I saw Michael last night. Could it have been him?

I tried to recall how I had made my way home. However, I rejected the thought of Michael being the one who brought me home the moment it surfaced in my mind.

Since Michael was busy preparing for the engagement ceremony, I figured he didn’t have time to bring me home. Besides, he couldn’t possibly do it, for he didn’t know I had been drinking with Ronan by the river.

In that case, there was only a probable explanation — Ronan brought me home after he sobered up.

Since the man had drunk a lot yesterday, I was surprised that he could still bring me home. As such, I couldn’t help but think that I had underestimated Ronan, for he could drink like a fish.

I initially wanted to call him to thank him for his help. Nonetheless, I dismissed the thought once I realized that my phone had shut down due to a low battery percentage.

It was already past 8 a.m. when I checked the time. Since I would probably be late to work, I immediately changed my clothes and freshened up.

As I was brushing my teeth, a wave of nausea engulfed me all of a sudden. I tried to vomit but didn’t end up throwing up anything.

I frowned and looked at my pale face in the mirror. Then, I heaved a sigh at the thought of me not yet sobering myself up because I had too much alcohol last night.

I couldn’t help but feel curious about why I hadn’t been able to hold my liquor. After all, I only had two to three bottles of beer. It was a wonder why I still felt like throwing up the next morning.

Due to time constraints, I took a cab instead of the subway. Despite that transportation change, I was still late to work.

When I arrived, Michael was standing in the office of the design department and saying something.

My heart skipped a beat uncontrollably once I saw him. Nonetheless, I concealed my emotions and lowered my head as I walked toward my desk.

However, my presence still grabbed everyone’s attention because Michael was having a meeting with every staff. As if he could tell that I felt extremely uneasy, he shifted his gaze toward my face.

“I realize that many of our staff come late to work recently, particularly those from the design department!”

I was startled upon hearing it, for he was criticizing me in front of everyone.

I felt a little angry, but the feeling of sadness overruled that emotion. After maintaining my composure, I stood up and said to Michael calmly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Shaw. I’ll never be late to work next time.”

As Michael stared at me, I lowered my head and dared not to meet his gaze.


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