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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Ruining Their Wedding

Emma had a panicked expression when she saw me. Then, her eyes widened and she looked at me furiously.

My sudden appearance attracted a lot of attention. Many people began to speculate about my identity and wondered why I had come to disrupt Michael’s wedding.

One should know that Michael was the most prominent man in Avenport. And one would have to be crazy to dare to disrupt his wedding.

When Josephine saw me, she frowned deeply and glared at me sternly.

“Anna, why are you here? It’s my wedding with Michael!” Emma quickly took a few steps toward me and spoke to me with an undertone of warning as soon as she saw me approach her and Michael.

Previously, I had never thought of ruining their wedding. Instead, I quietly wished them well and hoped that Michael would live happily ever after.

However, after knowing Emma was behind yesterday’s car incident, I felt nothing but hatred toward her.

I walked toward Emma and glared at her sternly, saying with the coldest tone I could muster, “The wedding must not proceed!”

“You’re here to ruin the wedding?” Emma was furious upon hearing me. There seemed to be a fire burning in her eyes, threatening to engulf me.

Josephine glared at me coldly and said in a tone even more frigid than when we first met, “Ms. Garcia, have you forgotten what you promised me?”

Josephine cared tremendously about what other people thought. Now that I was ruining her son’s wedding, she naturally could not stand it.

“Mrs. Shaw, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to break the promise,” I answered.

I knew I promised Josephine that I would not bother Michael. Although I felt guilty about coming here to ruin Michael’s wedding, I had no other choice.

“You!” Josephine was too angry to say anything else upon hearing my reply. Instead, she took to giving me the death stare.

I glanced at her apologetically and walked toward Michael. While he had remained silent all this time, his eyes had never left me since I first appeared.

I did not know what he thought of my sudden appearance at his wedding. Although I braved myself to come here, I could not help feeling anxious.

“Anna, you have gone too far. Today is my wedding with Michael. What makes you think you can just come here and ruin it?” Emma gritted her teeth in fury.

She was wearing a pure white wedding dress with exquisite make-up on her face. She looked like the most beautiful bride in the world, yet her gaze was vicious.

“Emma, you have forced my hand. If you hadn’t tried to harm my baby, I would never have opted to do this!” I retorted.

If Emma did not arrange for someone to knock me down, I would probably be crying in a corner alone right now. However, she has gone overboard; it is infuriating!


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