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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 277

Staring at the furniture in the hall, I knew any single item would easily cost tens of thousands. Hence, I really didn’t know how to answer her. “Mrs. Shaw, I know that it’s difficult for me to change how you see me, but I’m really not doing this for the money.

My feelings for Michael are true. Why won’t you believe me?” I was getting anxious. No matter how I explained myself, she just wouldn’t trust me at all. “I won’t believe a single word of yours, Ms. Garcia.

If you know what’s good for you, I’m sure you know what to do. If you insist on staying by Michael’s side, you should prepare to pay the price.” Ignoring my explanations, she turned and stormed out at once. I froze on the spot, and my heart was filled with misery.

The purpose of Josephine’s visit was to make her stand clear to me that she would never accept me no matter what I did. Although she had left the house, it didn’t make me feel any better. I was too naïve to think that Michael and I could live happily together.

With Josephine’s objection to our relationship, I supposed Michael would be stressed out as well. I sat in the living room. The joy I felt previously was nowhere to be found. Instead, my mind was filled with Josephine’s warning.

At that moment, I was terrified at the prospect that I couldn’t really be together with him. Just when I was imagining the worst, my phone suddenly rang. When I saw that it was Natalie on the line, I figured she must have found out about what happened the day before.

“Anna, you were amazing yesterday!” Just as expected, the first thing Natalie talked about was my brazen actions. If Natalie had called before Josephine’s visit, I would have related everything to her.

However, I was no longer in the mood to do so. “Natalie, do you think I have made a mistake? Am I being too selfish?” Josephine’s appearance had caused my conviction to waver. After all, I had ruined Michael’s wedding, caused the Shaw family to lose fifty million, and broken up their partnership with the Jones family.

In summary, my actions resulted in huge losses for the Shaws. I was no longer sure if my actions were right. Given the huge number of people who objected to our relationship, I began to wonder if I had made a wrong decision.

“What are you talking about? You love Michael very much. It’s great that both of you get together. Besides, you are carrying his child. Even if it’s all about giving the child a proper family, I still think you have made the right decision.”

Natalie was obviously concerned when she heard my words. Perhaps she had sensed the uneasiness in my tone. At the mention of my child, I began to calm down. I knew I had to persevere for the sake of giving it a proper family.

Holding the phone in silence, I didn’t know what to say; I was still in a dilemma. Seeing that I didn’t respond, Natalie questioned me anxiously, “Did something happen? Is Michael not taking responsibility?” The moment she shifted the subject to Michael, I clarified immediately, “No, Michael has agreed to marry me. He is not shirking from his responsibility.” Michael had been spoiling me non-stop since the day before, causing me to be filled with joy.


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