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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 299

Chapter 299 All Loose Down There

“You claim to be mere friends with her when you’re defending her thus, Ronan? Are you such a staunch defender of hers because she slept with you?”

When Emma saw that even Ronan was shielding me, the rage within her grew into a conflagration. She spoke icily while staring at his face.

Good Lord! She’s still defaming me at this time, huh? Towering rage likewise mounted within me. Ugh! My slap across her face earlier was just too paltry! A woman like her really needs to be taught a lesson!

“Watch your words, Emma! I’ve been tolerating you from the very beginning, but you’ve truly crossed the line now!”

I was so incandescent that I trembled all over. Looking at her coldly, I tried to suppress all my wrath.

I knew that she was only deliberately slandering me because she was jealous that I was now with Michael. Nonetheless, the anger within me continued spiraling.

“I’ve crossed the line? Judging from your expression now, you must be feeling guilty, huh? Anna, who do you think will believe you when you claim that you’ve never slept with Ronan when the two of you are so close?”

Emma could distinctly perceive the storm brewing in my eyes, yet she wasn’t the least bit bothered. Instead, her gaze turned a touch triumphant as she scrutinized me, looking as though she had dirt on me.

“Emma, there’s a limit to my patience! Therefore, it’s best that you do not provoke me!”

My hands that were hanging by my sides were balled into fists, and I was currently putting all my effort into curbing my wrath. Argh! How I wish I could slap her several more times now! How could there be such a woman in this world?

“So what if just want to provoke you? How can you compare to me other than by relying on Michael and Ronan? Anna, I truly wonder what tricks a b*tch like you has up your sleeve that you actually managed to bewitch two men!”

While uttering the last sentence, Emma’s eyes were filled with envy.

Well, well… She truly doesn’t care about her image anymore after having lost Michael. In the past, she would feign gentleness and graciousness in front of others, but now, she doesn’t even bother putting on the most basic facade!

Keeping a lid on the bubbling outrage within me, I was just about to retort when Ronan roared, “That’s enough!”

His handsome countenance was terrifyingly grim. It was my first time seeing him in such an inflamed state. Although he had always given me the impression of an easygoing man with no temper, I still couldn’t help shuddering at his infuriated expression right then. After all, his frigid expression was just too similar to Michael’s.

Emma, who was going to insult me further, was stunned for a moment upon hearing his bellow. But when she realized what was happening, she flipped her lid once more.

“You’re going to protect this b*tch as well now, Ronan? Don’t forget that she’s presently Michael’s woman! Don’t you see red and feel resentful when you imagine her seeking pleasure beneath him every night? Yet, you’re still defending her here? Don’t you feel as though you’re a fool?”

Her voice was indifferent as she stared at his face, and every single word out of her mouth was clearly meant to sow discord between Ronan and me.

My heart sank, and outrage enveloped me. As I stared at her, hatred surged within me.


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